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Anton Trofimov's picture

Looking for a job opportunity in Mechanical Engineering

Dear All, 

 My name is Anton and I have graduated from New Mexico State University with my Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering in August. I am currently looking for a job opportunities in both industry and academia (PhD). I am keep looking for an openings on this web-site myself, but I will be grateful for any suggestions. If someone knows any other opportunities please let me know. 

Here is a brief summary of my qualifications: 

•Solid Mechanics and Materials. Physics of Strength and Plasticity. Modeling of Mechanical systems

alicia's picture

Multiple postdoc openings at UC San Diego (USA) and Cardiff University (UK) + two PhDs at Cardiff University (UK)

Applications are sought for multiple Post-Doctoral Research Associates at University of California, San Diego (USA) and Cardiff University (UK) and two PhDs (Cardiff) to join a very active cross-continental M2DO research lab. The primary research focus is to develop topology optimization for multiscale and multiphysics problems optimizing materials and structures. The research members are required to travel between US and UK regardless of their bases.  

Hirschberger's picture

1st MUSIC Summer School on "Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Interfaces"

The Graduate School MUSIC (Multiscale Methods for Interface Coupling) invites to its first Summer School on Multiscale and Multiphysics Modelling of Interfaces at Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany, from 15 to 17 September 2010.

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