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PhD (4 years) on micromechanical testing and interface characterization of composites

We are looking for a PhD student for a research project on microscale mechanical characterization of fiber reinforced polymer composites using in-situ microscopic techniques. Much more fundamental insights and measurements at the micro-scale are necessary to enable fully predictive multi-scale modelling and faster adaptation of composites. Therefore, we have developed advanced micromechanical test methods for fibre reinforced polymer composites based on in-situ optical and electron microscopy during loading.

Cai Wei's picture

Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University (2020)

The Mechanics and Computation Group (Department of Mechanical Engineering) at Stanford University is seeking applicants for the “Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship.” This appointment is for a term of two years, beginning in September 2020.

New PhD position at Eindhoven University of Technology - Micro-mechanics of ultra-thin free-standing multi-layer membranes in MEMS ultrasound transducers

Dear colleagues,

a new PhD position has become available at the Mechanics of Materials group, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands (

Micro-mechanics of ultra-thin free-standing multi-layer membranes in MEMS ultra-sound transducers.

Cai Wei's picture

Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stanford University

The Mechanics and Computation Group (Department of Mechanical Engineering) at Stanford University is seeking applicants for the “Stephen Timoshenko Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship.” This appointment is for a term of two years, beginning in September 2018.

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