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Number of iMechanica Registered Users exceeds 30,000


As of 8 January 2012, the number of registered users of iMechanica exceeded 30,000 , the total number of posts is 11,690, the total number of comments is 18,000.  After five years and four months since its launch, iMechanica still keeps growing steadily.

Founded in September 2006, iMechanica aims

Teng Li's picture

Number of registered users of iMechanica exceeds 20,000

As of 11 May 2010, the number of registered users of iMechanica exceeded 20,000 , the total number of posts is 8191, the total number of comments is 14557.  The growth of iMechanica community remains steady since its launch.

Founded in September 2006, iMechanica aims

Teng Li's picture

7000+ registered users of iMechanica

The number of registered users of iMechanica reaches 7000 on 11 May 2008. So far, our fellow iMechanicians have contributed 3172 posts and 7425 comments.  The evolving statistics of iMechanica
(see the latest updates here and here) shows a steady growth with no sign of slowing down. 

Check out the earlier milestones of iMechanica when the number of registered users reached:


Teng Li's picture

iMechanica: 5000 registered users, 9.5 million web hits

Launched on 9 September 2006, iMechanica is the web of mechanics and mechanicians.  The mission of iMechanica is twofold:

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