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periodic boundary condition

Applying periodic boundary condition

Attached paper supplies detailed procedure and necessary scipt for applying PBC.


Fan Yang's picture

Is energy conservation satisfied in the current deformation application schemes in molecular dynamic simulations?

In our recent paper, we examined the energy conservation for the current schemes of applying active deformation in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Specifically, two methods are examined. One is scaling the dimension of the simulation box and the atom positions via an affine transformation, suitable for the periodic system. The other is moving the rigid walls that interact with the atoms in the system, suitable for the non-periodic system.

Applying Periodic Boundary Conditions(PBC) in Abaqus

Hi all,

     I am looking for some reference on procedures for applying  PBC in  abaqus? I coud find some journal articles for the equation, but I am unaware of applying this into Abaqus under displacement laoding conditions..

any help in this regard would be appreciated greatly..




N. Sukumar's picture

Bloch-periodic boundary conditions in classical and enriched FEM

In the attached paper (accepted for publication), we present enriched FE formulations to impose Bloch-periodic boundary conditions. Bloch-periodic BCs arise in the description of wave-like phenomena in periodic media: periodic composites, Schrodinger equation in quantum mechanics, photonic band-gap materials, etc. For a perspective, see the J-Club on elastodynamic bandgaps and metamaterials that was organized by Biswajit Banerjee

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