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fortran 90

running fortran code with microsoft visual studio

Hi all,

 Supposing I have installed visual studio 2008 and intel fortran 11, to do subroutines in abaqus, can i run fortran code in visual studio independently? I have a .f90 code and the output is a plot of data.

 2nd question, is it possible to do it in visual studio?

 If not, what should I do?



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Computational Solid Mechanics Research Engineer - Champaign, IL

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Computational Solid Mechanics Research


Linking ABAQUS With Subroutine Written In FORTRAN 90

         I am using ABAQUS 6.10.1, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, and Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional 11.1.060 on Windows 7 Premium. So far ABAQUS of my system is able to process user subroutine written in FORTRAN 77 (.for file) without any problem. However, may I know is it possible to make ABAQUS process user subroutine written in FORTRAN 90? Waht setting should I change and what format ( .for or .f90 ) should the FORTRAN 90 user subroutine be saved in order for the linking to work?

User subroutine in fortran 90 for abaqus

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Hi Abaqus experts

I am hoping that you can help me getting a element user subroutine writen in fortran f90 to work in Abaqus. I have made the simplest 8 noded brick element element that i can think of. I has a zero thickness and only has some simple definitions of the parameters ESTIFF,RHS,SVARS and PNEWDT. I have made a model with one single element of this user element where the upper part is displaced from the lower part which are fixed.

When I try to run the model I get the following message in the log file:

N. Sukumar's picture

Fortran 90 library for maximum-entropy basis functions

Attached is a tar archive for a Fortran 90 library to compute maximum-entropy basis functions.  I have used the G95 compiler. The manual in PDF is also attached and a html version of the same is also available, which provide details on how to install the code and its capabilities.

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