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Visual studio

running fortran code with microsoft visual studio

Hi all,

 Supposing I have installed visual studio 2008 and intel fortran 11, to do subroutines in abaqus, can i run fortran code in visual studio independently? I have a .f90 code and the output is a plot of data.

 2nd question, is it possible to do it in visual studio?

 If not, what should I do?



Linking Abaqus 6.12-3 + VS 2012 pro+ Intel Compose XE 2013

Hi there,


Recently I had lots of problem with linking ABAQUS and Fortran compiler together. I did all of the things which has been described in forums but none of them worked for me. Finally I found the solution.

I'm using ABAQUS 6.12-3, Visual Studio 2012 Professional and Intel Composer XE Suites 2013. For linking them simply follow these steps:

1- find the file ifortvars.bat and its path.

Soud Choudhury's picture

"Eclipse" which can replace Visual studio for Fortran/C/C++ debugging,compiling

We usually use Microsoft visual studio's version to do Fortran/C/C++ coding. Many reserachers are facing problem with versions, appropriate compiler or even with copyright issue. "Eclipse" can replace VS in everyway. The advantages are:


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