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cohesive model

cohesive zone model in ansys

I am working on cohesive zone model in ANSYS.I  am unable to solve the problem on cohesive zone. so please any  one suggest or send me the tutorials on cohesive zone.



arash_yavari's picture

A Discrete Cohesive Model for Fractal Cracks

The fractal crack model described here incorporates the essential
features of the fractal view of fracture, the basic concepts of
the LEFM model, the concepts contained within the
Barenblatt-Dugdale cohesive crack model and the quantized
(discrete or finite) fracture mechanics assumptions. The
well-known entities such as the stress intensity factor and the
Barenblatt cohesion modulus, which is a measure of material
toughness, have been re-defined to accommodate the fractal view of

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