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linear elasticity

arash_yavari's picture

Universality in Anisotropic Linear Anelasticity

In linear elasticity, universal displacements for a given symmetry class are those displacements that can be maintained by only applying boundary tractions (no body forces) and for arbitrary elastic constants in the symmetry class. In a previous work, we showed that  the larger the symmetry group, the larger the space of universal displacements. Here, we generalize these ideas to the case of anelasticity. In linear anelasticity, the total strain is additively decomposed into elastic strain and anelastic strain, often referred to as an eigenstrain.

arash_yavari's picture

The Universal Program of Linear Elasticity

Universal displacements are those displacements that can be maintained, in the absence of body forces, by applying only boundary tractions  for any material in a given class of materials. Therefore, equilibrium equations must be satisfied for arbitrary elastic moduli for a given anisotropy class. These conditions can be expressed as a set of partial differential equations for the displacement field that we call universality constraints.

arash_yavari's picture

Universal Displacements in Linear Elasticity

In nonlinear elasticity, universal deformations are the deformations that exist for arbitrary strain-energy density functions and suitable tractions at the boundaries. Here, we discuss the equivalent problem for linear elasticity. We characterize the universal displacements of  linear elasticity: those displacement fields that can be maintained by applying boundary tractions in the absence of body forces for any linear elastic solid in a given anisotropy class.

MMSLab-CNR's picture

NOSA-ITACA code now runs on UBUNTU 18.04

Running NOSA on Ubuntu 18.04 is not (yet) officially supported, but you may use the package for Ubuntu 16.04, as indicated at

See also the prevoius post about it ! Enjoy !


MMSLab-CNR's picture

NOSA-ITACA: a free finite element software for structural analysis

NOSA-ITACA is a software product of the Mechanics of Materials and Structures Laboratory of ISTI-CNR, distributed via the website.
The package includes SALOME v8.3.0, and is available for Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04.
NOSA-ITACA enables you to conduct both linear and nonlinear static analyses and modal analyses.
NOSA-ITACA can be used to study the static behavior of masonry buildings of historic and architectural interest and model the effectiveness of strengthening operations.

Looking for a PhD student

I am a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I am looking for a PhD student to work in the area of applied mathematics, specifically in solid mechanics (linear elasticity, complex variable methods, boundary integral equation methods) with a possible start date of Sept 2012 or jan 2013.

You can find out more details at:

Amit Acharya's picture

On the three-dimensional Filon construct for dislocations

(to appear in the Intl. Journal of Engineering Science)

 Robin J. Knops and Amit Acharya

 The relationship between dislocation theory and the difference of linear elastic solutions for two different sets of elastic moduli, derived by Filon in two-dimensions, is generalised to three-dimensions. Essential features are developed and illustrated by the  examples of the edge and screw dislocations. The inhomogeneity  problem is  discussed within the same context and related to Somigliana dislocations, and  in the limit  to the interstitial atom.

The analytical solution for a stress field in an infinite plate with a circular inclusion due to an applied tensile stress

I need to know the analytical solution for the stress field in an isotropic infinite plate with a circular inclusion, assuming linear elasticity. The plate has an applied tensile stress.

The solution for a hole in an infinite plate is very common ( I need a similar solution in which the inclusion has some elasticity tensor C and the matrix some tensor C_0 with C=x*C_0, where x is a scalar.


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