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XFEM; cracks; fracture; post-doc; postdoc; post doc; post; doc; goal-oriented; error estimation; adaptivity; crack growth; linear elastic; Rolls-Royce

Glasgow: 4-year Post-doc XFEM for 3D crack growth with goal-oriented error estimation including industrial applications

University of Glasgow, Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Materials

Increased Reliability for Industrially Relevant Automatic Crack Growth Simulation with the eXtended Finite Element Method (Funding for £483k)

A unique EPSRC funded 4 year post-doc to investigate

- goal-oriented error estimation in XFEM

- adaptivity for 3D crack growth

Subscribe to RSS - XFEM; cracks; fracture; post-doc; postdoc; post doc; post; doc; goal-oriented; error estimation; adaptivity; crack growth; linear elastic; Rolls-Royce

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