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Non-linear solid mechanics

Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

Finite Element software Z-set : new web page

New web page of Finite Element Analysis software Z-set is now open:
What is Z-set

Z-set is a computational code devoted to the analysis of material and
structure behavior, involving a finite element solver and a collection
of specific tools for material parameter calibration, preprocessing and
postprocessing computations. Z-set is the result of 30 years of close collaboration between the

Non-linear multiphysics modeling of ionic gels

The paper presents a thermodynamically consistent modeling of the non-linear multiphysics of ionic polymer gels based on the multiplicative decomposition of the deformation gradient. In particular, the deformations induced by the motion of ions under an applied voltage are viewed as distortions, similarly to growth-induced deformations in soft tissues. Furthermore, a consistent linearization of the model in the regime of small deformations is discussed. Finally, a finite element implementation of the theory is introduced and validated against experimental results.

Mixed formulation

Dear All


 Does anybody have this paper?.


On some variational principles in the theory of elasticity and the theory of plasticity

HC Hu - Scientia Sinica, 1955

Thank you


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