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computational biomechanics

Rika Carlsen's picture

Postdoc Position in Computational Biomechanics (Remote Work Option Available)

We currently have two postdoctoral research positions available in the Injury Biomechanics Laboratory at Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, PA starting Fall 2020.  These positions involve the development of high-fidelity finite element head models and the design of computational studies to advance our understanding of traumatic brain injury (TBI).  The first position is focused on blast-induced TBI, and the second position is focused on pediatric TBI.

PhD and PostDoc Positions in Computational Biomechanics at NJIT

A PhD research assistant (RA) position and a Postdoc position in Biomedical Engineering (BME) are immediately available at the BioDynamics Laboratory directed by Dr. Xianlian Alex Zhou. The lab’s research is focused on computational biomechanics, biorobotics, digital human modeling, and personalized medicine. More details are available at Dr.

iasigal's picture

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Soft Tissue Biomechanics and Imaging, University of Pittsburgh

     The Laboratory of Ocular Biomechanics at the University of Pittsburgh is seeking candidates for a postdoctoral fellow position on microstructure-based modeling of soft tissue biomechanics and remodeling. The project goal is to understand aging and vision loss. Specific duties will involve imaging, finite element modeling, analysis and interpretation of results, manuscript preparation and presentation in national and international meetings.

hnaceur's picture

39th Congress of the Society of Biomechanics

Dear All,

I am involved in organizing the "39th Congress of the Society of Biomechanics", which will be held in Valenciennes (France), from 27 to 29 August 2014.

We strongly encourage you to submit papers to this Conference, the deadline for submission of abstract (2 pages in English) is March 3, 2014.

For more details

Computational Biomechanics for Medicine VII: a MICCAI 2012 satellite workshop (Nice, October 01). Submission Deadline: 22 June

Computational Biomechanics for Medicine VII: a MICCAI 2012 satellite
workshop (paper submission deadline extended till 22 June 2012)


         Call for papers

Kun Zhou's picture

A postdoctoral research position at Nanyang Technological University

An enthusiastic and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher is sought to work in the area of computational biomechanics by Dr. Kun Zhou’s group in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. The objective of the research is to study the tribological behaviors and damage mechanisms of joints and implants.  The candidates should have relevant research expertise, experience in numerical modeling, and excellent writing skills.

Ph.D. Student in Computational Biomechanics

One position for a Ph.D. Student in Computational Biomechanics for 3 years, fully employed;
expected from January 1, 2010 at the Institute of Biomechanics in Graz, Austria.

 See the attachment for more details.

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