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interface adhesion

PhD position at Weizmann Institute of Science on "Microscale matrix and interfacial properties of fibre-reinforced composites"

Our partner Weizmann Institute Science in Israel is currently trying to fill a PhD position for the FiBreMoD project. The title of the PhD project is "Microscale matrix and interfacial properties of fibre-reinforced composites", and will be supervised by Prof. Daniel Wagner. If you are an enthusiastic and motivated candidate with a background in Materials Science, Composites, Mechanics, or Chemistry/Chemical Engineering, then you should consider applying.

Jianliang Xiao's picture

A Conformal, Bio-Interfaced Class of Silicon Electronics for Mapping Cardiac Electrophysiology

In this paper recently feature on the cover of Science Translational Medicine, we report the development of a class of mechanically flexible silicon electronics for multiplexed measurement of signals in an intimate, conformal integrated mode on the dynamic, three-dimensional surfaces of soft tissues in the human body. Mechanics model shows that the strain in the fragile materials, e.g. silicon, is several orders of magnitude smaller than the fracture strain, when wrapped onto the curvilinear cardiac surface.

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