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beam bending

How can I avoid stress concentration at fixed support

I have a cantilever beam, 8 in long, rectangular cross section W=0.75 in, H=1.5 in, E=29 msi, Poisson's=0.3, under uniform line load qy = -50 lbf/in (y direction) entire length, bending around strong axis (zz). Beam theory solution M*c/I gives max. stress = 5687 psi.

I model with ANSYS Workbench, uniform mesh Ex-3-6-3D-Normal-Stress.PNG attached.

If I refine the mesh I only get more and more stress concentration. Expected but how to avoid? I just want to get the same result as M*c/I to show how FEA can predict the same as beam theory. 

Frank Richter's picture

Inverse problem in beam bending, elastic-ideally plastic material

Dear iMechanica,

suppose you have a beam with a square cross-section, manufactured from an elastic-ideally plastic material.

Now apply a load that rises linearly in time, but is locally constant along the beam length. Upon sagging, the beam will develop a plastic zone beginning in the top and surface regions at mid-length.
This is the "straight" problem solved in Prager, Hodge: Theory of perfectly plastic solids, publisher: Springer

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