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Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanic

K.Kanistras's picture

Fully Funded Ph.D. Position

A Ph.D. position is available in the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department at the University of Alabama in Huntsville starting Spring Semester 2019. The focus of the project is on the performance enhancement of aerodynamic systems using fluidic and smart material actuators such as piezoelectric-based synthetic jets and micro fiber composites.

fhuera's picture

FLUID-STRUCTURE INTERACTION PhD studentship at URV, Tarragona, Spain

The Laboratory for Fluid-Structure Interaction (LIFE) of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) ( in Tarragona (Spain), is looking for an enthusiastic research student with a strong interest in fluid dynamics. Successful candidates will join a small but very active multidisciplinary team, working in fluid-structure interaction problems.

Szyniszewski Stefan's picture

Funded PhD in Aerodynamics of Low-Density Micro-Lattice Material

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship fully funded by the EU research project. The position is for a three-year research program leading to the PhD degree.

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