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crystal plasticity models

How to determine the reference rate of shearing and rate sensitivity for power-law rate dependent crystal plasticity formulation?

In single crystal plasticity, the material strain hardening is specified by the slip system strain hardness which is determined from the strain hardness function (Eqn 1, see attached). Its parameters can be determined by fitting the equation to the experimental stress-strain curve.

Input file for the Single crystal plasticity subroutine Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures by Ted Belytschko

Can anyone provide me with the input file for the example shown in the book Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures by Ted Belytschko et al? The poly-slip, rate-dependent, single crystal plasticity VUMAT subroutine that is available publicly is attached in the following link. I have been trying to reproduce the results in Fig. 13.11 to Fig. 13.13. in the book, but am not successful in doing so. Can anyone please provide me with a working example input file for the problem?

Post-doctoral position in failure micromechanics

There is an opening for a post-doc in Prof. Shailendra Joshi’s research group at NUS, starting November 2016, in the area of micromechanics of advanced structural steels. An ideal candidate for this position must possess a PhD in mechanical engineering or related field with a strong background in computational materials mechanics.

PhD studentship on Validation of crystal plasticity models in 3D policrystals at Portsmouth University (UK)

Fatigue life prediction in the aerospace components relies on fracture mechanics for relatively long cracks (>1mm). Nevertheless, most of the fatigue life is spent while the crack is relatively short (<1mm). However life of short cracks is far from well understood leading engineers to apply over conservative safety factors which involves environmental and economic losses. The material microstructure is responsible for the large life uncertainty in short cracks.

Postdoc position

The Department of
Industrial Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh anticipates an opening
for a postdoctoral associate starting September 2012. The position’s primary
area of research will focus on mechanics of the microforming processes and
characterizing the thermomechanics of deformation at small length-scales. The
initial appointment is for one year with potential to extend, subject to the
availability of funds. A strong background in solid mechanics with an expertise

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