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Brittle failure

rajan_prithivi's picture

How are principal planes & eigen vectors of the stress tensor related ? | An intuitive explanation

To obtain the principal planes we construct the stress tensor and find the eigen vectors. Here is an attempt to explain it more intuitively rather than the use of the formal mathematical method. Hope you enjoy this video!

This is an educational outreach initiative targeted at all engineers interested in mechanics and seek simpler explanations. Kindly share if you learn something out of this !

Here is the link to the VIDEO

rajan_prithivi's picture

Failure of brittle materials using simple experiments- Part 2

Here is my second video, where I tried to explain the concepts of stress state, principal stresses, Mohr circle and failure theories in layman's language and associated these concepts to explain the failure of a brittle material. This is an educational outreach initiative mainly targeted at the undergraduates (mechanical/civil/aerospace and materials engineering) studying mechanics and also other me

Shailendra's picture

Post-doctoral position in Failure of Brittle Materials at National University of Singapore

We anticipate an opening for a post-doctoral fellow position in micromechanics based failure modeling of heterogeneous brittle materials. The focus will be on characterizing the roles of flaw distributions on rate-dependent failure in materials such as concrete. The objective is to develop an understanding of failure processes with the aim of designing high performance brittle materials.

Shailendra's picture

Post-doctoral position in Failure of Brittle Materials at National University of Singapore

We anticipate an opening for a post-doctoral fellow position in micromechanics based failure modeling of heterogeneous brittle materials. The focus will be on characterizing the roles of flaw distributions on rate-dependent failure in materials such as concrete. The objective is to develop an understanding of failure processes with the aim of designing high performance brittle materials.

surot's picture

Brittle cracking in brittle materials

Hi there,

 I am trying to simulate a crack opening process in ABAQUS. I start up from a simple model of plate with a notch subjected to tension. I would like to see the crack opening. To model a brittle mnaterial behaviour I have added a brittle cracking with sub-option brttle failure and brittle shear.

Please look at dat file:



  *Element, type=CPS3

  *Element, type=CPS4R


  *Elset, elset=ASSEMBLY_PART-1-1__I1

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