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2001 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Ted Belytschko

Ted Belytschko, November 13, 2001, New York

Ted BelytschkoWell I have been sitting in the audience of Applied Mechanics dinners for more than 30 years now, never even dreaming that I would get the Timoshenko medal. I have enjoyed many of the talks, and heard many nuggets of wisdom to guide me in research and life. I still vividly remember one of the first talks I heard by Den Hartog- in those days every Timoshenko lecturer could still start with a reminiscence of their contact with Timoshenko. Den Hartog had worked for Timoshenko one summer, and when he wrote his study up as a report, Timoshenko told him to submit it for publication. Den Hartog responded that he did not think that this work was something the world was waiting for. Timoshenko replied-"How many publications that have appeared in the literature do you think the world was waiting for?" One outcome was that I proceeded to publish too many papers, but it is interesting that many of the papers I did not think much of had some impact, whereas many that I liked had no impact .

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2000 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Rodney J. Clifton

November 9, 2000

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1999 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Anatol Roshko

Small is Good

By Anatol Roshko, California Institute of Technology

The text of the Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner of the 1999 IMECE in Nashville, TN.

Anatol RoshkoDavid Belden’s letter announcing the award was really a surprise, almost a shock. At first I wondered whether it was another example of a story which you may have heard and which, I believe, originated in the FSU. Two friends are at a grand reception sipping cocktails when one notices a man with his chest almost completely covered with medals. Says one to the other, “Do you have any idea what those medals are for?” and the other replies, “Well, you see that one at the top left? That one was a mistake; and the others followed automatically.” I humored myself out of that thought but not out of a feeling of guilt. You see, I suddenly felt terrible that I was not a member of the ASME. There had been opportunities but somehow I had let them go by. One reason is that I was concerned about another onslaught of communications, information and other paper that always results and requires attention. Fortunately, ASME lost no time in relieving my guilt. In a few weeks I received a nice invitation and forms to fill out, and now I am Member No.6143358. And sure enough, information has begun to roll in: a beautiful, glossy magazine, notices of various meetings, etc.

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1998 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Olgierd C. Zienkiewicz


by O. C. Zienkiewicz, University of Wales, Swansea

The text of the Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner of the 1998 IMECE in Anaheim, California.

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1997 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by John R. Willis

John R. WillisMechanics of Research

The text of the Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner at the 1997 IMECE.
by J. R. Willis, University of Cambridge

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1996 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by J. TINSLEY ODEN

The Revolution in Applied Mechanics from Timoshenko to Computation


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1995 Timoshenko Medal Aacceptance Speech by Daniel D. Joseph

Daniel D. Josephby Daniel D. Joseph , University of Minnesota

In my instructions about the correct behavior of recipients of the Timoshenko Medal at this dinner, Tom Cruse wrote to me that "While I ask that you consider the hour and the length of the evening in selecting the length of your remarks, the time is yours and we are honored to hear from you at that time." This suggests to me that as a Timoshenko Medalist, I can be indulged but that if I really want to be appreciated, I should keep it short.

I understand that when Jerry Ericksen got this award, he said "thank you" and sat down. I would like to follow this courageous path, but I lack the courage and so I will embellish "thank you" just a little.

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1994 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by James R. Rice

James R. Rice

Biography of James R. RiceIt is a great pleasure to be here among so many old friends and colleagues, and to thank you for the recognition symbolized by this award. Especially, it is a pleasure to thank my dear friend Alan Needleman for his kind words of introduction.

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1992 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Jan D. Achenbach

The Wages of Wave Analysis

by Jan D. Achenbach, Northwestern University

The text of the Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner of the 1992 Winter Annual Meeting of ASME.

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1991 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Yuan-Cheng Fung

Mechanics of Man

by Yuan-Cheng Fung, University of California, San Diego

The text of the Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner of the 1991 Winter Annual Meeting of ASME in Atlanta, Georgia.

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1990 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Stephen H. Crandall

The Joy of Applying Mechanics

Stephen H. Crandall, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Text of Timoshenko Medal acceptance speech delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner of the 1990 Winter Annual Meeting of ASME in Dallas, Texas.

Stephen H. CrandallGood evening. Thank you Tom and Art for your kind introductions.

Thirty-five years ago I joined the Applied Mechanics Division of ASME. Two years later I was in the audience when the first Timoshenko medal was awarded to Stepan Prokovievich Timoshenko. I wonder how many others here tonight were also in that audience (a show of hands indicated that there were a total of twelve including the speaker). After that first medal, the Division went into high gear. In the next three years, six of the remaining giants of applied mechanics were given Timoshenko medals: Th. von Karman, G. I. Taylor, Arpad Nadai, Sir Richard Southwell, C. B. Biezeno, and Richard Grammel. Then in 1961, the Division settled down to our present steady-state operation of one medal a year. I haven't missed many AMD dinners through the years so I have had the good fortune to see most of the previous 36 awardees receive their medals. Taken together, they form an impressive cavalcade of applied mechanics. I consider it a very great honor to join this team.

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1985 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Eli Sternberg

Rumination of a Reclusive Elastician

By Eli Sternberg

Delivered at the Applied Mechanics Dinner of the 1985 Annual ASME Meeting in Miami Beach, Florida

Ladies and Gentlemen: As you know, medals - much like arthritis - are a common symptom of advancing years. Be this as it may, I am grateful for the recognition implied by this award.

Every medal has a proverbial reverse side. The reverse side of the Timoshenko Medal is the requirement that the recipient must make a speech. In view of my lifelong allergy to after-dinner speeches, the thought of having to give one has been rather unsettling. To make matters worse, I was asked over two months ago to submit a title for my talk.

Since a technical topic seemed inappropriate for the occasion, I tried hard to think of a suitably broad and vacuous subject: something with a sexy title, like "Applied Mechanics - Past, Present, and Future." I abandoned this idea, first, because I always feel a little uneasy in making pronouncements about the future of anything and, second, because I am not sure I know what is meant by "Applied Mechanics".

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1989 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Bernard Budiansky


Bernard Budiansky

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1980 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Paul M. Naghdi

Acceptance Speech upon Receipt of the Timoshenko Medal

Paul M. Naghdi, November 18, 1980, Chicago, Illinois

Paul M. NaghdiPresident Jones, Ladies and Gentlemen:
I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude for this honor, which has a very special meaning for me. Even more so, because I have personally known nearly all the previous recipients and I feel deeply honored to be included among them. I have been fortunate over the years to have met a number of distinguished people in our field (some of them are previous recipients of the Timoshenko Medal) who have been very helpful to me. Perhaps this is an appropriate time to mention a few of these people and reminisce a little.

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1974 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Albert E. Green

Reflections on 40 Years in Mechanics

Albert E. Green, 1974

Thanks to the Society through the President for the presentation of the medal.

Thanks to Dick Shield.

There is one serious disadvantage to receiving the medal – the tradition that the recipient gives an acceptance talk.

Owing to the influence of men like Professor Timoshenko, work in applied mechanics in the U.S. has mostly been centred in engineering schools but sometimes in mathematics, applied mathematics departments or institutes. In Britain theoretical work in applied mechanics has mainly been in departments of mathematics and applied mathematics, but a few departments of engineering have also been concerned with such work. My own experience in Britain has been entirely in departments of mathematics in which there were close links with pure mathematicians. In the United States I have been fortunate to be associated with colleagues at Brown University and at Berkeley, as well as visiting other universities. Although I am in a department of mathematics, both pure and applied, at Oxford, my own title is Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy. The Sedleian Chair was founded by Sir William Sedley who by his Will dated October 20, 1618, bequeathed the sum of ₤2,000 to the University, to be laid out in the purchase of lands for its endowment; this bequest took effect in 1621. It is regarded as the oldest of the scientific Chairs even though the Savilian Professorships of Geometry and Astronomy were endowed in 1619, and the first of them actually filled in that year. My immediate predecessors were Professor George Temple, Professor Sydney Chapman and Professor A.E.H. Love, and you will be aware that they dealt with very different aspects of natural philosophy. Professor Love held the Chair for 41 years, from 1899, and his work is well known in the present company. The fourth holder of the Chair who was appointed in 1660 was Thomas Willis. A list of some of the treatises which he wrote makes interesting reading: (1) “Of the accession of the blood”; (2) “Of musculary motion”; (3) “Of urines”; (4) “The anatomy of the brain”; (5) “The description and use of the nerves”. He also wrote about convulsive diseases, scurvy, and the comparative anatomy of some dozen species ranging from the earthworm and lobster to sheep and man. He is regarded as the founder of neurology. In his last writings on rational therapeutics he presented a vast and sometimes horrific pharmacopoeia in which, however, are buried useful descriptions of the anatomy of the blood vessels, the muscular layers of the stomach, and the detailed structure of the lungs. Perhaps we can discern the beginnings of the present fashionable subject of biomechanics in the description of the probang, an ingenious machine for treating a very rare case of a certain man of Oxford who was probably suffering from stricture of the oesophagus.

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1962 Timoshenko Medal Acceptance Speech by Maurice A. Biot

Timoshenko Lecture: Science and the Engineer

by Maurice A. Biot

Maurice A. BiotAs everybody knows, there are two sides to a Medal. The bright side in this case is obviously the encouragement to the recipient. The darker aspect of the other side is something you will have to bear with me. I refer, of course, to the after dinner speech.
First of all, it is a great honor to be associated with the name of Timoshenko, the Teacher, the Scholar, the great Engineer and Scientist. It is widely agreed that the high level of instruction and application of solid-state mechanics in this country is due to his influence and his teaching.

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Collected Works of J.D. Eshelby

Perhaps a post has already been made in this regard; A book containing all the papers by J.D. Eshelby was recently released by Springer. This book is compiled by Markenscoff and Gupta. Congratulations to both of them for such a great idea!

I bought this book last week and it is fascinating to read all of Eshelby's papers in chronological order. Furthermore, I found a few papers that I had not even been aware of. The price, at roughly $195 on Amazon is a bit steep but (in my opinion) well worth it. The book also contains forewords by several researcher who knew Eshelby personally.

Here is the amazon link to this book

Egon Orowan

August 2, 1901 — August 3, 1989
By F. R. N. Nabarro and A. S. Argon

in Biographical Memoirs v70, 1996

Prepared as a Biographical Memoir for the Royal Society of London and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences.


EGON OROWAN died in the Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on 3 August 1989, a day after his 87th birthday. He is buried in the Mount Auburn Cemetery. Together with G.I. Taylor and Michael Polanyi, he was responsible for the introduction of the crystal dislocation into physics as the essential mediator of plastic deformation. Though he occasionally spoke at meetings concerned with science and technology policy, and wrote letters to the press on a number of topics, he was an essentially private person and left no biographical notes. In compiling the present Memoir, FRNN has been principally responsible for the period 1902-1951, which Orowan spent mainly in Europe, and ASA for the period 1951-1989, when Orowan was affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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Egon Orowan

August 2, 1901 - August 3, 1989

Nanshu Lu's picture

George Rankine Irwin (26 February 1907 - 9 October 1998)

G.R. Irwin during WW II.

Dr George Rankine Irwin (26 February 1907 - 9 October 1998) was an American scientist in the field of fracture mechanics and strength of materials. He was internationally known for his study of fracture of materials. Read more...

Teng Li's picture

Whence the Force of F=ma?

This is the title of a three-part series published in Physics Today by Frank Wilczek, the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at MIT. Prof. Wilczek is considered one of the world's most eminent theoretical physicists, and is the 2004 Nobel laureate in Physics for work he did as a graduate student at Princeton University, when he was only 21 years old.

Prof. Wilczek contributes regularly to Physics Today and to Nature, explaining topics at the frontiers of physics to wider scientific audiences. The following series of his "musing on mechanics" won the Best American Science Writing in 2005:
Whence the Force of F=ma? 1: Culture Shock
Whence the Force of F=ma? II: Rationalizations
Whence the Force of F= ma ? III: Cultural Diversity

Prof. Wilczek recently published a book named Fantastic Realities, in which 49 inspiring pieces, including the above three, of "mind journeys" are included. This book also includes contribution from his wife Betsy Devine's blog on what winning a Nobel Prize looks like from inside prizewinner's family.
You may also enjoy a recent podcast of Scientific American, in which Prof. Wilczek and his wife talk about their new book.

Augustin Louis Cauchy (August 21, 1789 – May 23, 1857)

Augustin Louis Cauchy ( 21 August 1789 - 23 May 1857) was a French mathematician and mechanician. In mechanics, he in 1822 formalized the stress concept in the context of three-dimensional thoery, showed its properties as consisting of a 3 by 3 symmetric arrays of numbers that transform as a tensor, derived the equations of motion for a continuum in terms of the components of stress, and gave the specific development of the theory of linear elasticity for isotropic solids. As part of his work, Cauchy also introduced the equations which express the six components of strain, three extensinal and three shear, in terms of derivatives of displacements for the case when all those derivatives are much smaller than unity; similar expressions had been given earlier by Euler in expressing rates of straining in terms of the derivatives of the velocity field in a fluid. (cited from Mechanics of Solids by J.R. Rice) Read more...

Zhigang Suo's picture

Kyung-Suk Kim won Ho-Am Prize of $200,000

Initially posted in Applied Mechanics News on 8 January 2006.

The Ho-Am Prize in Engineering for 2005 has been awarded to Dr. Kyung-Suk Kim, Professor of Engineering, Brown University. Dr. Kim has been a preeminent figure in the emerging field of nanomechanics from its beginnings. In particular, he has made important contributions towards the understanding of mechanics on the nano scale by creating novel scale-bridging techniques and formulating multi-scale theories and models.

Dr. Kim has led the establishment of the single-asperity friction law, using dislocation models to explain the nano and micro single-asperity-contact friction phenomena observed in experimental comparisons of atomic force microscope (AFM) and surface force apparatus (SFA) results. The friction law is a useful and necessary principle in designing fabrication processes of semiconductor nano-devices on solid surfaces and examining characteristics of nanostructures with an atomic force microscope. In addition, he provided a seminal method of measuring surface residual stresses on a fine scale, accurately formulating the self-organization principle of surface nanostructures in the evolution of surface roughness caused by stress during chemical etching. The chemical etching research was primarily funded by the CMS Division, while the nano friction research was principally funded by the MRSEC/DMR of the U.S. National Science Foundation.

He has been active in research, publishing more than 90 articles in peer-reviewed journals including Proceedings of The Royal Society of London, Jounrnal of The Mechanics & Physics of Solids, Physical Review Letters, editing three books in the field of nano and micro mechanics, organizing the first international nanomechanics workshop funded by the CMS Division, U.S. National Science Foundation in 1999, and contributing to the development of worldwide nano science and technology as Chairman of the Thin Film & Nano Structures symposium for the International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM) held in 2004. In addition, he has collaborated in research internationally with various research institutes, government agencies and universities including KAIST, KIST, SKKU, IMRE-Singapore, Cambridge University, US-NSF, Harvard University, UC Santa Barbara, University of Illinois UC, and Caltech. In addition, he has participated actively in industrial-academic partnerships with leading international industrial groups including IBM, GTE, Polaroid, Ford, GM, Samsung and Hyundai Motors.

The Ho-Am Prize is presented in the five areas of Science, Engineering, Medicine, The Arts and Community Service. In academic areas, the Ho-Am Prize is awarded to scholars and researchers who have made outstanding achievements of international standards. It is presented to commemorate their excellent endeavors and at the same time encourage their future activities to even higher levels and present exemplary models for the academic community. The prize in each area consists of a diploma, a plaque, a gold medal (187.5g) and 200 million Korean won (Approximately US$200,000).

The Ho-Am Prize was founded in 1990 by Chairman Kun-Hee Lee of Samsung inheriting the noble spirit of public service shown by his father, the late Byung-Chull Lee, founder of Samsung. The prize, named after the late Mr. Lee's sobriquet, is given to individuals who have contributed to cultural, artistic and social development or furthered the welfare of humanity through distinguished accomplishments in their respective professional fields. A special prize may also be given to Koreans who have made prominent accomplishments in professional fields other than those afore-mentioned, or to foreigners who have made major contributions to Korea's cultural and social advancement that transcend national and racial boundaries.

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Teng Li's picture

Sir Isaac Newton, FRS (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727)

Sir Isaac Newton, FRS (4 January 1643 – 31 March 1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, mechanician, astronomer, alchemist, and natural philosopher who is generally regarded as one of the greatest scientists in history. Read more...

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