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Amit Acharya

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Blog entryDeformation gradients and atomistic simulations Biswajit Banerjee715 years 1 month ago
Blog entryBergstroem Boyce Model - inelastic part Andreas Burger415 years 3 months ago
Blog entryGibbs free energy and constitutive equations Andrej Puksic815 years 3 months ago
Blog entryNotes on Implicit Update for Bergstrom-Boyce Network B Amit Acharya215 years 5 months ago
Blog entryJournal Club Theme of March 2009: Mechanics Issues in Nanocapacitors and Ramifications for Energy Storage Pradeep Sharma815 years 5 months ago
Forum topicA spectral decomposition problem Biswajit Banerjee1615 years 7 months ago
Blog entryKinetics of phase transformations in the peridynamic formulation of continuum mechanics Kaushik Dayal1615 years 10 months ago
Blog entryStrain compatibility equation in non-linear solid mechanics!!! ramdas chennamsetti1816 years 5 days ago
Blog entryJournal Club Theme of 15 May 2008: Experimental Mechanics at Nano-scale Julia R. Greer1616 years 3 months ago
Blog entryReview paper by Professor Jerry Ericksen on Cauchy-Born rule; Special issue on scale effects---freely available for a month Pradeep Sharma716 years 4 months ago
Blog entryMusings on continuum thermodynamic formalism and (yet another) damage model Amit Acharya016 years 6 months ago
Blog entryVoid expansion as wave phenomena - might damage evolution be mathematically related to fluid dynamics and turbulence? Amit Acharya016 years 6 months ago
Forum topicHow to deal with the constitutive integration in plasticity? Bin Ji1416 years 8 months ago
Forum topicWhat is "randomness"? Ajit R. Jadhav1516 years 10 months ago
Blog entryScience, as some see it... Amit Acharya316 years 10 months ago
Blog entryThe incomplete guide to the art of discovery Zhigang Suo1416 years 10 months ago
Blog entryJournal Club Theme of October 2007: Irreversible thermodynamics of continuous media Anurag Gupta1616 years 10 months ago
Blog entryNew perspectives in plasticity theory Amit Acharya216 years 11 months ago
Blog entryABAQUS ( viscoelastic material model) Milli617 years 3 months ago
Blog entryDoes a radially expanding cylinder bend? Amit Acharya017 years 4 months ago
Blog entrypapers related to reply: apparent randomness continues Amit Acharya017 years 5 months ago
Blog entryToward averaging nonlinear dynamics Amit Acharya017 years 5 months ago


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