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OliverWeeger's picture

University Professorship for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics at TU Darmstadt, Germany

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt seeks candidates at the earliest possible date for a Full University Professorship (W3) for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics. We are looking for a scientist with an international reputation and visibility who will represent the field of numerical methods in fluid mechanics in research and teaching.


Kshiteej Deshmukh's picture

Tight bounds correlating peak absorption with Q-factor in composites and metallic clusters of particles.

Dear colleagues, 

We invite you to read our article, which informs one about the extent to which resonances can be tuned in metamaterials. More precisely, our work provides tight bounds correlating the Quality-factor with peak absorption in dielectric metamaterials. The article is published in Applied Physics Letters and can be found here: 

ESIS's picture

Discussion of fracture paper #40 - Icicle or carrot, which one has isotropic fracture properties?

Around 20 years ago, I gave a fracture mechanics lecture and talked about crack initiation that happens in the plane with the largest tensile stress. True, at least if the material has isotropic properties. The students already knew where an isotropic material would give the largest stress at bending and torsion. I planned to make a desktop experiment with an icicle and a carrot. This was during the autumn with an abundance of icicles everywhere. The carrot, I found at home.

Multiple PhD Positions in the area of nuclear fuels and advanced characterization methods

We are looking for enthusiastic students with a MSc or BSc degree to conduct research in the area of materials characterization and advanced nuclear fuels. Students with a degree in any of the following disciplines are encouraged to apply:

postdoc position-II: finite element modeling, fracture mechanics


Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the area of finite element modeling of advanced nuclear fuels. This position is a full-time position at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and the selected applicant can start effective immediately.

Postdoc position at Western University, Canada: MD simulation of nuclear fuels


Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the area of molecular dynamic simulation of irradiation effects. This position is a full-time position at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and the selected applicant can start effective immediately. In addition, this position is extendable for two more years, depending on the availability of funds and the applicant’s performance.

Kamyar M Davoudi's picture

Free Access to Complex Analysis by the Renowned Mathematician Richard Courant

Many engineering disciplines, especially fluid and solid mechanics, require a solid understanding of complex analysis. We are thrilled to share that "Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable" by Richard Courant has been thoroughly revived, and upgraded, and is now freely accessible on

Cambridge Engineering: Post Doc in Mechanics of Chemofracture

A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, to work on Batteries. The post holder will be located in Central Cambridge Cambridgeshire, UK.

Zheng Jia's picture

EML Webinar Young Researchers Forum by Tongqing Lu, on 18 April 2024: High throughput rupture experiments of soft materials

EML Webinar (Young Researchers Forum) on 18 April 2024 will be given by Tongqing Lu at Xi'an Jiaotong University

Title: High throughput rupture experiments of soft materials

Discussion leader: Zhigang Suo, Harvard University

Jian_Li's picture

Postdoc positions on mechanics of materials and structures

Postdoc positions are immediately available in the School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (First Class Academic Discipline) at Central South University in Dr. Li's research group. Lists of topics of interest are:

1. Impact Fatigue;

2. Fluid and structure interaction;

Antonio Papangelo's picture

Friction in Rolling a Cylinder on or Under a Viscoelastic Substrate with Adhesion

In classical experiments, it has been found that a rigid cylinder can roll both on and under an inclined rubber plane with a friction force that depends on a power law of velocity, independent of the sign of the normal force. Further, contact area increases significantly with velocity with a related power law.

One PhD Position and one 12 months Postdoctoral position at CEMEF (Mines Paris)

One PhD position and one Postdoctoral position are available immediately at CEMEF Mines Paris, in the French Riviera.

  • PhD topic : Numerical modeling of machining processes (finishing) of parts obtained by additive manufacturing;
    Funding : French National Research Agency (ANR)
    Partners : Labomap (Ensam Cluny) & LEM3 (Université Lorraine)


IGA 2024 Call for abstract: Mini-Symposium: Machine Learning and IGA

Dear Colleagues, 


We cordially invite you to submit an abstract to our Mini-Symposium: "Machine Learning and IGA" for the 12th International Conference on IsoGeometric Analysis (IGA 2024) held in St. Augustine, Florida, USA, on October 27-30, 2024

The deadline for submission of Abstracts is April 30, 2024

For more information on IGA 2024, please visit the conference website

Hai Dong's picture

Postdoc position in cardiovascular biomechanics at Emory University


The Cardiovascular Tissue Mechanics Lab at Emory University has an immediate opening for a postdoc fellow position. Candidates who have a background in solid mechanics including (but not limited to) cardiovascular biomechanics, soft tissue biomechanics, and/or nonlinear solid mechanics are highly encouraged to apply. The position could have a second affiliate appointment at Georgia Tech.

For application, please send your CV to Dr. Hai Dong at with the email subject “Postdoc Application”.

Rui Huang's picture

Best Paper Award for Young Investigators - Int. J. Solids & Structures

The International Journal of Solids and Structures is pleased to institute an annual Best Paper Award for Young Investigators. The award will be given annually to a paper published in the previous year whose principal or corresponding author is under the age of 38 or within 10 years of the completion of their PhD.

SES 2024 Call for abstract: MS 5.6 Intelligent Structures for Robotics

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit abstracts and attend the mini-symposium 5.6 Intelligent Structures for Robotics in the 2024 SES Annual Techinical Meeting, August 20-23, 2024, Hangzhou, China.

Abstract can be submitted via this link and is due April 10, 2024. 

5.6 Intelligent Structures for Robotics

Liya Zhao's picture

University of New South Wales, PhD in Mechanical/Civil Engineering

Dr Liya Zhao from the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney, global ranking QS = 45th, US News = 41th), is seeking PhD students to work on projects related to the following topics. Full scholarship will be provided (Tuition waiver + stipend).


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