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Journal Club for May 2024: Inverse Design of Mechanical Metamaterials with Nonlinear Properties

Inverse Design of Mechanical Metamaterials with Nonlinear Properties

Bolei Deng, Georgia Institue of Technology

1.   Introduction

Hangbo Zhao's picture

Immediate postdoctoral position in soft robotics at USC

The Zhao Research Group ( in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at University of Southern California is seeking applications for an immediately available postdoctoral position in soft robotics. The objective of this project is to develop novel dexterous soft robotic manipulators incorporating advanced sensors, actuators, and closed-loop control.

Post Doc Experimental Mechanics - Cambridge UK

A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, Cambridge University to work on Experimental Mechanics.

SwarnavaGhosh's picture

Violation of the Cauchy-Born rule in High Entropy Alloys

Dear Colleagues,

I am sharing a recent paper titled "Violation of the Cauchy-Born Rule in multi-principal element alloys" published in Applied Physics Letters. Here is the link to the paper:

Erik Bitzek's picture

PhD Position in Atomistic Simulations of Microstructure-Induced Failure

The mechanical properties of alloys, and thus their susceptibility to damage and failure, are determined by their chemical composition as well as by their process-dependent microstructure. While microstructural modifications are well-known to improve, e.g., the yield stress or fatigue lifetime by orders of magnitudes, no thorough atomistic methods for systematic high-throughput exploration of the microstructure space have been performed yet. 

Funded position - Experimental reactive fluid mechanics for aerospace applications

We welcome applications for several PhD positions in reactive fluid mechanics for aerospace application. More specifically on the fire resistance of Li-Ion batteries and composites as well as on hydrogen combustion. The PhD position available involve experimental work but can also include a numerical simulation component. The student is therefore expected to carry out laboratory work, data analysis and numerical simulation tasks, with a focus to be identified according to individual interests and qualifications.

alankar's picture

Finite element implementation of Field Crack Mechanics for brittle and ductile fracture

Sharing a new article "Finite element implementation of Field Crack Mechanics for brittle and ductile fracture" by my Ph.D. student BVSS Bharadwaja at IIT Bombay, which has been accepted for publication in Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. Also see attached. Thanks to Prof. Amit Acharya for the motivation and discussion.

alankar's picture

New article: An Experimentally Informed Continuum Grain Boundary Model

It is my pleasure to share a new article titled "An Experimentally Informed Continuum Grain Boundary Model" by Syed Ansari (my Ph.D. student at IIT Bombay). This work was performed in collaboration with Prof. Amit Acharya.

Tim Harrell's picture

Funded PhD Project at the University of Bath in Composite

A new funded PhD opportunity is available at the University of Bath. The project is on elastic tailoring of composite winglets on aircraft. 

The opportunity comes with an enhanced stipend (for students who quailfy). 

PhD start date: September 2024. Application deadline is the 30th of May 2024.

More details about the proejct can be found here

B. Erdem Alaca's picture

Special Session on "Manipulation and testing of micro/nanoscale materials" MARSS 2024_July 01-05_Delft, Netherlands

MARSS, the annual International Conference on Manipulation, Automation and Robotics at Small Scales, is a non-profit conference run by the microrobotic community and technically supported by IEEE-RAS and IEEE-NTC. MARSS2024 will be held in-person on July 01-05, 2024, in Delft, Netherlands. The conference is the flagship forum to discuss cross-disciplinary activities on 1) manipulation, automation, measurement, and characterization at micro/nano scales, and 2) all kinds of small-scale robots (nm – cm) and their applications.

Ph.D. Position in Mechatronics Engineering at Kent State University, Kent, OH

An immediate Ph.D. position is available in the Control, Automation, and Mechatronics (CAM) lab at Kent State University, Kent, OH. The program is housed within the College of Aeronautics and Engineering and focuses on Mechatronics Engineering. Ideal candidates will need to have completed their master’s degree in electrical, mechanical, or mechatronics engineering by the end of 202. They must possess a strong foundation in controls and machine learning, along with proficient programming skills in Python and MATLAB.

OliverWeeger's picture

University Professorship for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics at TU Darmstadt, Germany

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt seeks candidates at the earliest possible date for a Full University Professorship (W3) for Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics. We are looking for a scientist with an international reputation and visibility who will represent the field of numerical methods in fluid mechanics in research and teaching.


Kshiteej Deshmukh's picture

Tight bounds correlating peak absorption with Q-factor in composites and metallic clusters of particles.

Dear colleagues, 

We invite you to read our article, which informs one about the extent to which resonances can be tuned in metamaterials. More precisely, our work provides tight bounds correlating the Quality-factor with peak absorption in dielectric metamaterials. The article is published in Applied Physics Letters and can be found here: 

ESIS's picture

Discussion of fracture paper #40 - Icicle or carrot, which one has isotropic fracture properties?

Around 20 years ago, I gave a fracture mechanics lecture and talked about crack initiation that happens in the plane with the largest tensile stress. True, at least if the material has isotropic properties. The students already knew where an isotropic material would give the largest stress at bending and torsion. I planned to make a desktop experiment with an icicle and a carrot. This was during the autumn with an abundance of icicles everywhere. The carrot, I found at home.

Multiple PhD Positions in the area of nuclear fuels and advanced characterization methods

We are looking for enthusiastic students with a MSc or BSc degree to conduct research in the area of materials characterization and advanced nuclear fuels. Students with a degree in any of the following disciplines are encouraged to apply:

postdoc position-II: finite element modeling, fracture mechanics


Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the area of finite element modeling of advanced nuclear fuels. This position is a full-time position at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and the selected applicant can start effective immediately.

Postdoc position at Western University, Canada: MD simulation of nuclear fuels


Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position in the area of molecular dynamic simulation of irradiation effects. This position is a full-time position at the University of Western Ontario, Canada, and the selected applicant can start effective immediately. In addition, this position is extendable for two more years, depending on the availability of funds and the applicant’s performance.

Kamyar M Davoudi's picture

Free Access to Complex Analysis by the Renowned Mathematician Richard Courant

Many engineering disciplines, especially fluid and solid mechanics, require a solid understanding of complex analysis. We are thrilled to share that "Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable" by Richard Courant has been thoroughly revived, and upgraded, and is now freely accessible on

Cambridge Engineering: Post Doc in Mechanics of Chemofracture

A position exists, for a Research Assistant/Associate in the Department of Engineering, to work on Batteries. The post holder will be located in Central Cambridge Cambridgeshire, UK.

Zheng Jia's picture

EML Webinar Young Researchers Forum by Tongqing Lu, on 18 April 2024: High throughput rupture experiments of soft materials

EML Webinar (Young Researchers Forum) on 18 April 2024 will be given by Tongqing Lu at Xi'an Jiaotong University

Title: High throughput rupture experiments of soft materials

Discussion leader: Zhigang Suo, Harvard University


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