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plane stress incompressible neo-Hookean hyperelasticity


I was wondering how is it possible to implement incompressible neohookean material in abaqus? 

With the incompressibility assumption c(3,3)=1/(- c(1,2)^2 + c11*c22), with c being the Cauchy-Green strain tensor. It also implies that S33=0 and it is possible to find the pressure directly. In addition, h=sqrt(c(3,3))*h0 with h and h0 being current and initial thickness, respectively. 

my question is that how is it possible to implement the last condition in umat? 






initialization of initial condition in state variable in vumat

i am still struggling with  defining an initial condition in vumat. i have defined mine like this:


          if (steptime .eq. zero) then

          STATEV(1) = 1.0d0

            STATEV(2) = 1.0d0

            STATEV(3) = 1.0d0

            STATEV(4) = 0.0d0

            STATEV(5) = 0.0d0

            STATEV(6) = 0.0d0

            STATEV(7) = 0.0d0

            end if

      BBAR_DE_N(1,1)= STATEV(1)

      BBAR_DE_N(2,2)= STATEV(2)

      BBAR_DE_N(3,3)= STATEV(3)

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