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Mahdi Zeidi's blog

A pseudoelastic response of hyperelastic composites reinforced with nonlinear elastic fibrous materials: Continuum modeling and analysis

Abstract: The present study aims to develop a continuum-based model to predict the pseudoelastic behavior of biological composites subjected to finite plane elastostatics. The proposed model incorporates a hyperelastic matrix material reinforced with nonlinear fibers, addressing challenges such as irreversible softening responses, large deformations, and nonlinear stress–strain responses.

Synergism effect between nanofibrillation and interface tuning on the stiffness-toughness balance of rubber-toughened polymer nanocomposites: a multiscale analysis

In our recent study published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, using a multiscale modeling technique, we investigated how the combination of nanofibrillation and interfacial tuning can have a synergistic effect on the stiffness-toughness balance in rubber-toughened nanocomposites. Check out the link below:

Role of Interface on the Toughening of Thermoplastic-Based Nanocomposites Reinforced with Nanofibrillated Rubber

Optimizing toughening efficiency of nanofibrillated rubber embedded in thermoplastic polymers has always been a challenge. In our work published in Nanoscale journal, by a combined MD-QM method, we demonstrate the roles of interface & interfiber interactions on the toughness and failure mechanisms of rubber-toughened polypropylene nanocomposites.




The Effects of Intra-membrane Viscosity on Lipid Membrane Morphology: Complete Analytical Solution

We present a linear theory of lipid membranes which accommodates the effects of intra-membrane viscosity into the model of deformations. Within the Monge parameterization, a linearized version of the shape equation describing membrane morphology is derived. Admissible boundary conditions are taken from the existing non-linear model but reformulated and adopted to the present framework. We obtain a complete analytical expression illustrating the deformations of lipid membrane subjected to the influences of intra-membrane viscosity.

Gradient elasticity theory for fiber composites with fibers resistant to extension and flexure

A model for the mechanics of an elastic solid, reinforced with bidirectional fibers is presented in finite plane elastostatics. The fiber’s resistance to stretch and flexure are accounted for with variational computations of first and second gradient of deformations, respectively. Within the framework of strain-gradient elasticity, the Euler equation and necessary boundary conditions are formulated. A rigorous derivation of the corresponding linear theory is also developed from which, a complete analytical solution is obtained for small deformations superposed on large.

Mechanics of an elastic solid reinforced with bidirectional fiber in finite plane elastostatics

A continuum-based model is presented for the mechanics of bidirectional composites subjected to finite plane deformations. This is framed in the development of a constitutive relation within which the constraint of material incompressibility is augmented. The elastic resistance of the fibers is accounted for directly via the computation of variational derivatives along the lengths of bidirectional fibers. The equilibrium equation and necessary boundary conditions are derived by virtue of the principles of virtual work statement.

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