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bilelsandel's blog

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looking for phd position in computational mechanics


am looking for a phd position in compututional mechanics i have a good backgroun in numercial simulation and mathematical modeling with MS in mechanical engineering i was working in many topic from material modeling (dammage ,metal forming ...) composite modeling and simulation (continue element of composite shell in high frequency,hommoginazation method crush simulation ,... ) i have a experience in biomechanic modeling and simulation 

i have a good programming skills : fortran c++,python 

finite element ,boundary element,xfem

bilelsandel's picture

implement a new non linear boundary condition

dear abaqus 

i wish  to implement a new boundary condition  using abaqus 

but this boundary condition depand of the   solution of the problem 

bilelsandel's picture

intrested in topology and structural optimization ? lets collaborate ...

i discover a new research field, topology optimization, i want work with 'matlabophiles' to make great things with this method....sure its gonna be successful

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3rd Tunisian Conference on Mechanics - COTUME’2014

3rd Tunisian Conference on Mechanics     3ème Congrès Tunisien de Mécanique  COTUME’2014  Second Call for Papers  Dear colleagues;  On behalf of the Organizing Committee of COTUME’2014, it is a great honor for us to welcome you 

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