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Survey on XFEM: is XFEM good at characterizing Failure rather than Fracture?

Would like to hear your expertise/user/non-expert/sceptic comments on XFEM. Here are some of the challenges. Would like to hear your relections.

1. Can XFEM be utilized in characterizing Failure rather than Fracture?

2. What sort of challenges XFEM still have with respect to Fracture Mechanics?

3. How the Fracture mechanics benefit the industry, from the perspective of strcutural integrity?

4. Failue investigations vs. Fracture investigations: benefit to industry?

5. Academist vs Engineer: Perspective on XFEM

Extended finite element analysis tutorial in ABAQUS


 I am a new learner of XFEM. I want to start some exmaples in ABAQUS. The tutorial in ABAQUS is rather crude. If any body has experience, May I have small notes on how to solve problems with XFEM in ABAQUS?

Thank you for your help.




5 PhD positions in solid mechanics

There are 5 vacant PhD positions with good stipend in the field of solid mechanics, constitutive modelling and numerical simulations. We are looking for very competent, creative students all over the world. It is a rare opportunity for a young scientist to develop his versatile skills and this is your chance. As some people know, SIMLab (Structural Impact Laboratory) is internationally reputed group working on problems related to Crashworthiness and Structural Impact. Our group recently got a Centre for Research based Innovation (CRI). All these positions are filling under CRI. Please find the details in the links here:

Pure shear decomposition of the deformation gradient for finite strain measures


I am wondering about deformation gradient for pure shear decompositions. As i saw much literature on simple shear, I couldn't able to track one on pure shear.

Please some one in this forum provide me with literaure and fine details.





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