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Engineering Sciences 241: Advanced Elasticity

Zhigang Suo's picture

This is a second graduate course in solid mechanics, and explores coupled mechanical, thermal, electrical, and chemical actions.  The course draws heavily upon phenomena in soft materials.

This page is updated for ES 241 taught in Spring 2020 (Maxwell Dworkin 221, T/Th 1:30pm-2:45pm)

The course taught in the past:

Everything about ES 241 2020

Everything about ES 241 2021


Supplementary notes

Optional topics


  • Prerequisite: ES 240 Solid Mechanics or equivalent.
  • Keep your own notes.  I'll post my notes online. My notes are mainly written for me, and are not self-contained. In particular, many figures are missing in my notes.

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MichelleLOyen's picture

I wish there had been something like this when I was a student!  It has been much my frustration that mechanics teaching has not tended towards softer materials, viscoelasticity, etc.  I personally never had the chance to take a taught course in any of the subjects that I research or now am trying to teach, in polymer mechanics or time-dependence.  Hopefully some time I'll be on sabbatical in the area when you are teaching this sort of module and I could sit in!

thank you for information

xubinice's picture

this is the best and most systematic notes on machanics of soft mater I have ever seen, definitly will do great help to my future work! 

aaam's picture

Thank you for your valuble lectures

Do you have any lecture about the  the effects of both geometric and material nonlinearity in the mechanical dynamics modeling of EPA.




Zhigang Suo's picture

Here are two papers:

Jian Zhu, Shengqiang Cai and Zhigang Suo. Resonant behavior of a membrane of a dielectric elastomer. International Journal of Solids and Structures 47, 3254-3262 (2010).

Jian Zhu, Shengqiang Cai and Zhigang Suo. Nonlinear oscillation of a dielectric elastomer balloon. Polymer International 59, 378-383 (2010).

mmasoudsf's picture

Hi Prof. Suo,

The course seems very inetersting and useful. I think that adding some lectures on recently developed theories in non-classic elasticity such as modified couple stress theory, nonlocal elasticity and strain gradiant theory upgrades the usefulness.




Zhigang Suo's picture

Dear Masoud:  Thank you very much for your suggestion.  At the moment the course is built around soft materials, such as elastomers and gels.  I will add new parts each time I teach the course (every other year).  I welcome all suggestions.

mohammedlamine's picture

Hello Pr Suo Z.

Intesting Courses : thank you.


Moussaoui M.L.

Zia Javanbakht's picture

I appreciate these great notes. However, some of the links either do not work or they are linked to the wrong content. I would appreciate some amendments. Thanks.

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