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Rerun input file with ABAQUS software from a certain time



There was a time i run my input file of 3D model with ABAQUS. It was supposed to take more than one day in order to complete analysis. But unfortunately my computer was turned off, then i had to rerun input file from beginning even running process was completed almost 85%. Is there anyone knows the way to rerun input file from the time it was ruptured? 


Tuan Son

Johannes T.B. Overvelde's picture

You can run your input files from the GUI. For a normal run (job and model) you can continue an old run. You can probably do the same when running an input file through the GUI.


-make a new Job in the GUI and select to run the inputfile. Adjust settings of job to coninue analysis.


Hope this works! Good luck!

You should use a new input file with only the step and boundary condition information from your previous file. End your previous step and start a new step. Instead of step-1, say step-2 and get your new job started. Use this format in the command line

abaqus job=jobname oldjob=old job name input=input file user=...

This will start your job from where it quit and restart it. 


Thank Arun Krishnan, and basovervelde. In my case i use INPUT FILE then i wonder is there any way to continue that input file from ruptured time.

 Arun Krishnan, could you show me in detail about that command. It  must be helpful in my case but i was confused with your guide. "abaqus job=jobname oldjob=old job name input=input file user=..." ^ ^


Examaple i have an input file names: ABC.inp andis was ruptured at 800 seconds when total simulating time is 1000 seconds. So hoe about new input file and what command it should become?


Thanks in advanced.

I dont know if you have received the answer yet, but here is the solution using input files. 

Add *RESTART, WRITE, FREQUENCY=10 (you can use a smaller number if you want) to your input file. This will write a restart data file jobname.res every 10 increments. Suppose your full analysis consists of 1 step and assume that your analysis was stopped at increment 23 or something. The restart file would have data of increments 10 and 20. 


In a new input file new-jobname.inp, just have the following commands - 


Do not include any model or step data, and while running the program, use abaqus job=newjobname oldjob=oldjobname interactive to run the analysis


Please refer to Abaqus Analysis Documentation Section 9.1.1 for further details.


Hope this helps.  

is there any way to restart a job if it had "FREQUENCY=0" in the *RESTART command?


I have been trying to use the input file solution you outlined. Is it possible to increase the max. number of increments of the step on the job before restarting it? My job was terminated due to this, and I don't want to run the whole thing again. 


Raleigh, USA


smilehan001's picture

Hi, I use the chesive element to simulate the debonding of particle in matrix.
I edit the mesh to make the thickness of chesive element to be zero. When I submit the job,
error comes:
The geometry of 30 elements is too distorted. Check the nodal coordinates or node
numbering on elements identified in element set ErrElemDistorted.

If I don't make the thickness to be zero, it goes well with ABAQUS 6.10.
Can anyone help me?

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