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JAM now publishes a new type of paper: A Perspective

Yonggang Huang's picture

JAM now publishes a new type of paper -- A Perspective.  As invited by the Editor of JAM, the authors write a short (2~3 published pages) perspective paper on an emerging field, or an important new discovery, in mechanics.  The inaugural perspective paper, "Toughening Graphene With Topological Defects: A Perspective" by Dr. Teng Zhang and Prof. Huajian Gao from Brown University, was published in the May issue, 2015.  The PDF of the paper is attached. 

PDF icon jam_082_05_051001.pdf948.95 KB


Yanfei Gao's picture

Great materials to read, like Reader's Digest.

azadpoor's picture

Great! That sort of papers is fun to write and read. Although a bit different (overview rather than connected to one specific study), the format (2-3 pages, invited) reminds me of News and Views in Nature family journals.

Cai Shengqiang's picture

Dear Yonggang, it is a very interesting idea. I would like to read "A perspective" paper.

Very intersting, Thankyou 

Jianliang Xiao's picture

It's a great idea to introduce this type of paper to JAM! It gives readers a basic understanding of a field in half an hour. 

Jianliang Xiao's picture

It's a great idea to introduce this type of papers to JAM! It gives readers basic understanding of a field in half an hour.

Jizhou Song's picture

A perspective paper is short but very effective to provide information in an emerging field. 

I believe this new type of paper will be both attractive and enlightening! Great idea!

Hanqing Jiang's picture

Great idea to introduce News and Views type of article from Nature to JAM. It may be better to have this in each issue with topic related to papers published in the same issue.

Such publications are inspiring to readers. They can quickly get to know a new undergoing perspective research topic, and what is more meaningfully, they may give a try!

Shaoxing Qu's picture

Dear Yonggang, this is a great idea! Perspective paper is very important to both the academic society and the journal.

Such a type of paper will be very beneficial to readers and we are happy to see that JAM is becoming more and more influential.

Zhengwei Li's picture

Great to know JAM will include this type of paper. Looking forward to reading more "respective paper". 

Zhengwei Li's picture

Looking forward to reading more "Perspective paper"

ShuodaoWang's picture

Dear Prof Huang,

Thanks so much for sharing!  I believe this type of papers are very helpful for young researchers in mechanics to understand and learn more about the most important resarch areas in the field.  I look forward to reading more of these papers in JAM.  Thanks!

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