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Post-doc 18 months - highly competitive European Space Agency - EMTD Lab post-doc position - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security and Trust

Dear Colleagues We are looking for a post-doctoral level researcher for a 18 month project in collaboration with a startup company EMTD lab and the European Space Agency. The work to be done is related to radiation shielding and fatigue fracture. We are looking for people with a background in polycrystalline fracture, phase field/enriched finite element methods and multi-scale methods. Knowledge of metallurgy and crystallography would be welcome. Due to confidentiality, we cannot divulge more information at this stage. The position is based at the University of Luxembourg Interdisciplinary Centre for Security and Trust. Please contact me if you have interested candidates. Best wishes from Luxembourg, Stéphane Bordas, FLSWProf. in Computational MechanicsHead, Data and Computational Sciences www.legato-team.eustephane . bordas @ gmail . com


hasanzhong's picture

I have been focusing on micromechanical characterization by instrumented indentation and scratch methods, have education background in materials science and engineering, have experience in finite element modeling by Abaqus, and am wondering if I am suitable for the position. My published articles can be downloaded via the link  with the passcode 3408


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