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Two PhD Positions in Additive Manufacturing at the University of South Carolina

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Carolina is expanding its research portfolio to metal Additive Manufacturing. Two PhD positions are available in the Additive Manufacturing Lab led by Dr. Lang Yuan. Dr. Yuan’s research focuses on the fundamental understanding and prediction of microstructure and defect formation of metallic alloys during solidification processes.

mohsenzaeem's picture

Understanding Homogeneous Nucleation in Solidification of Aluminum by Molecular Dynamics Simulations (OPEN ACCESS)

Homogeneous nucleation from aluminum (Al) melt was investigated by million-atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations utilizing the second nearest neighbor modified embedded atom method (MEAM) potentials. The natural spontaneous homogenous nucleation from the Al melt was produced without any influence of pressure, free surface effects and impurities. Initially isothermal crystal nucleation from undercooled melt was studied at different constant temperatures, and later superheated Al melt was quenched with different cooling rates.

mohsenzaeem's picture

Postdoctoral position in computational materials science

A postdoctoral position is available in the area of phase field modeling of solidification/phase transformation in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology (formerly University of Missouri-Rolla). MSE program at Missouri S&T is one of the largest and most respected MSE programs in the US

Andrew Norris's picture

Stephen H. Davis

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