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evolution of microstructure

Two PhD Positions in Additive Manufacturing at the University of South Carolina

The Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of South Carolina is expanding its research portfolio to metal Additive Manufacturing. Two PhD positions are available in the Additive Manufacturing Lab led by Dr. Lang Yuan. Dr. Yuan’s research focuses on the fundamental understanding and prediction of microstructure and defect formation of metallic alloys during solidification processes.

PhD position at University of Lorraine, France

Project title: Micromechanical modeling of geomaterials by considering the microstructural anisotropy 

Location: Nancy (France), Georessources Laboratory, University of Lorraine

Starting date and duration: September/October, 2018, 3 years

Candidates: First-class undergraduate and master degrees in mechanics, applied mathematics, civil engineering or other related disciplines. The candidates should be motivated by research in theoretical and numerical modeling and have a good background in mathematics, mechanics of materials, finite element method, etc. 

Tuncay Yalcinkaya's picture

Full scholarships available at European Commission funded workshop on physics based material models in Izmir / Turkey

European Commission' s JRC (Joint Research Centre) is organizing the 3rd workshop on physics based material models and experimental observations ( in collaboration with University of Oxford, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung and Middle East Technical University. The workshop will be held in Izmir/Turkey on 2-4 June 2014.

gthompson1's picture

Post Doctoral Appointment in Thin Film and Grain Growth Modeling

Professor Gregory B. Thompson at the University of Alabama seeks post doctoral applicants for thin film and grain growth modeling in metal alloys. The qualified candidate will use modeling to explain and help direct experimental studies.

gthompson1's picture

Post Doctoral Appointment in Deformation-Microstructure Modeling

Professor Gregory B. Thompson at the University of Alabama seeks post doctoral applicants for projects related to deformation modeling and oxidation in high temperature ceramic systems.  The qualified candidate will use modeling to explain and help direct experimental studies.

Amir Abdollahi's picture

Slow-Fast Crack Propagation in Ferroelectric Single Crystals

Dear Colleague,


I have uploaded a video which shows the simulation of Slow-Fast crack propagation in ferroelectric single crystals:


For technical details, please refer to our recently published paper in Acta Materialia:


Best regards,

Amir Abdollahi

Jie Wang's picture

On the solution to time-dependent Ginzburg-Laudau (TDGL) equation

Time-dependent Ginzburg-Laudau (TDGL) equation is the simplest kinetic equation for the temporal evolution of a continuum field, which assumes that the rate of evolution of the field is linearly proportional to the thermodynamical driving force. The computation model based on this equation is also called phase field model. Phase field simulation can predict quite beautiful patterns of microstructures of material. It has been widely applied to simulating the evolution of microstructure by choosing different field variables. For example, using the single conserved field (concentration field), continuum phase field models has been employed to describe the pattern formation in phase-separating alloys (Nishimori and Onuki, 1990 Phys. Rev. B, 42,980) and the nanoscale pattern formation of an epitaxial monolayer (Lu and Suo, 2001 J. Mech. Phys. Solids, 49,1937). On the other hand, using the nonconserved field (polarization field), the phase field model has been utilized to simulating the formation of domain structure in ferroelectrics (Li et al. 2002  Acta Mater, 50,395). The thermodynamical driving force is usually nonlinear with respect to the field variable. In the case of nonlinearity, the solution to TDGL equation may not be unique. Different grid density, length of iteration step, initial state and random term (introduced to describe the nucleation process) may induce different results in the simulation. Does anyone investigate the effect of these factors on the final pattern? I wonder whether we can prove the solution is unique or not.       

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