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grain boundaries

Erik Bitzek's picture

PhD Position in Atomistic Simulation of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties

The Microstructure and Mechanics Group at the Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials (formerly known as Max Planck Institut für Eisenforschung) welcomes applications for a PhD position on 

“High-Throughput Atomistic Simulations of Microstructure-Induced Failure”

The funding through DAAD is particularly targeting candidates from Eastern Europe, Africa, Central and South America, the Near and Middle East, as well as Asia.

alankar's picture

New article: An Experimentally Informed Continuum Grain Boundary Model

It is my pleasure to share a new article titled "An Experimentally Informed Continuum Grain Boundary Model" by Syed Ansari (my Ph.D. student at IIT Bombay). This work was performed in collaboration with Prof. Amit Acharya.

PhD student or postdoc position in “Atomistic Computer Simulation of Grain Boundary Structure and Mechanics”

The Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung (Düsseldorf, Germany) offers a position in the department Structure and Nano-/Micromechanics of Materials (Prof. G. Dehm): PhD student or postdoc position in “Atomistic Computer Simulation of Grain Boundary Structure and Mechanics”

Understanding how grain boundaries influence plasticity will lead to significant advances in material design. In the context of the department’s research, the overarching aim of this PhD project is to connect grain boundary structures in fcc metals to physical properties.

Tuncay Yalcinkaya's picture

Full scholarships available at European Commission funded workshop on physics based material models in Izmir / Turkey

European Commission' s JRC (Joint Research Centre) is organizing the 3rd workshop on physics based material models and experimental observations ( in collaboration with University of Oxford, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung and Middle East Technical University. The workshop will be held in Izmir/Turkey on 2-4 June 2014.

Tuncay Yalcinkaya's picture

Full scholarships available at European Commission funded workshop on physically based material modeling

European Commission' s JRC (Joint Research Centre) is organizing a workshop on physics based modeling of material properties and experimental observations in collaboration with METU (Middle East Technical University). The workshop will be held in Ankara on 22-23 October 2012.

The Workshop will include lectures by keynote speakers: W. Curtin, F. Dunne, L. Malerba, J-F Molinari, A. Needleman and B. Svendsen, and presentations by participants (oral or posters).

gthompson1's picture

Post Doctoral Appointment in Thin Film and Grain Growth Modeling

Professor Gregory B. Thompson at the University of Alabama seeks post doctoral applicants for thin film and grain growth modeling in metal alloys. The qualified candidate will use modeling to explain and help direct experimental studies.

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