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grain-boundary diffusion grain-boundary sliding

Tuncay Yalcinkaya's picture

Full scholarships available at European Commission funded workshop on physics based material models in Izmir / Turkey

European Commission' s JRC (Joint Research Centre) is organizing the 3rd workshop on physics based material models and experimental observations ( in collaboration with University of Oxford, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung and Middle East Technical University. The workshop will be held in Izmir/Turkey on 2-4 June 2014.

gthompson1's picture

Post Doctoral Appointment in Thin Film and Grain Growth Modeling

Professor Gregory B. Thompson at the University of Alabama seeks post doctoral applicants for thin film and grain growth modeling in metal alloys. The qualified candidate will use modeling to explain and help direct experimental studies.

Mechanics associated with grain-boundary diffusion and sliding in polycrystals and its application to nanocrystals

As stated by Richard Vinci and Oliver Kraft in the announcement of 2008 Gordon Research Conference on Thin Film and Small-Scale Mechanical Behavior, there is a compelling need to understand the critical roles of different deformation mechanisms in structures with small characteristic dimensions, like nanocrystals and thin films. We have recently studied deformation behaviors in nanostructured materials and thin films with deformation mechanisms including grain-boundary diffusion, grain-boundary sliding, and grain-interior plasticity. Some interesting mechanical phenomena associated with heterogeneous grain-boundary properties are found and summarized here.

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