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making a cluster out of 6 computers for abaqus analysis


Hi everybody,

I have 6 desktop computers with the following specifications (all of them are the same):

CPU: 2 GHz, 2 cores, 8 Hyper Threading

RAM: 12 Gb

HDD: 500 Gb

Windows 7 (which I need to change to Windows Server with HPC pack)

I need to connect them together and make a cluster for abaqus analysis. I'm thinking about using Microsoft HPC pack since it seems to be an easy and user friendly option (I don't have any experience in that area).

NNIN/C Computational Cluster at U-M open to researchers

The National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network’s computational project (NNIN/C) is a multi-university initiative, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of NNIN, to establish a user accessible national computing resource for nanotechnology. This network is open to the academic and industrial research community and provides hardware resources and simulation tools dedicated to nanoscience

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