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hasanzhong's picture

The effect of an electric current on the nanoindentation behavior of tin

Electrical–thermal–mechanical interactions determine the reliability and performance of microelectromechanical devices and systems.
Using the nanoindentation technique the effect of an electric current on the indentation deformation of Sn strips was studied for an
indentation load in the range 50–200 lN. During the indentation an electric current density in the range 993.05–4087.89 A cm2
passed through the Sn strips, which introduced electrical–thermal–mechanical interactions. The experimental results showed that the

Relationship between Hardness and Elastic modulus?

What is the relationship between hardness and elastic modulus? The higher hardness, the higher elastic modulus?  My understanding is that hardness is a local mechanical property, and 
elastic modulus is an averaged global mechanical property.  Am I right about this? 

Gang Feng's picture

Elastoplastic Indentation Stress Field

This model has a simple closed-form analytical expression, matching with finite element results nearly perfectly.

Ref: G. Feng, S. Qu, Y. Huang and W.D. Nix, An analytical expression for the stress field around an elastoplastic indentation/contact, Acta Materialia, V.55, 2007, P2929-2938.

Henry Tan's picture

Experiment 2: Mechanical Testing- Impact & Hardness Testing

The mechanical properties of materials are ascertained by performing carefully designed laboratory experiments that replicate, as nearly as practical, the service conditions.

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