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Dielectric/Piezoelectric Materials

Ajeet Kumar's picture

An electroelastic Kirchhoff rod theory incorporating free space electric energy

This work presents a geometrically exact Kirchhoff-like electroelastic rod theory wherein the contribution of free space energy is also factored in. In addition to the usual mechanical variables such as the rod's centerline and cross-section orientation, three electric potential parameters are also introduced to account for the variation in electric potential within the rod's cross-section as well as along the rod length. The free space energy is included through an electric flux-like variable acting on the lateral surface of the rod.

Looking for a Postdoctoral Position

Looking for postdoctoral position. My current postdoc contract at National University of Singapore will be terminated in the end of August, 2016. I have quite good experience in the following areas during my PhD and current postdoc career.

Areas: Dielectric elastomer, Smart Polymer, Energy harvesting using EAPs, Soft Actuation, Hydrogels/conducting polymers, Polymer nanocomposites, Dielectric/Piezoelectric materials.


Amir Abdollahi's picture

Fracture toughening and toughness asymmetry induced by flexoelectricity

Cracks generate the largest strain gradients that any material can withstand. Flexoelectricity (coupling between strain gradient and polarization) must therefore play an important role in fracture physics. Here we use a self-consistent continuum model to evidence two consequences of flexoelectricity in fracture: the resistance to fracture increases as structural size decreases, and it becomes asymmetric with respect to the sign of polarization. The latter phenomenon manifests itself in a range of intermediate sizes where piezo- and flexoelectricity compete.

Amir Abdollahi's picture

A computational study of flexoelectricity

Flexoelectricity is a size-dependent electromechanical mechanism coupling polarization and strain gradient. It exists in a wide variety of materials, and is most noticeable for nanoscale objects, where strain gradients are higher. Simulations are important to understand flexoelectricity because experiments at very small scales are difficult, and analytical solutions are scarce.

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