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3D strain measurements

Mohammed Bouchelarm's picture

Strain values transformed in a rotated x'y'-Cartesian coordinate system with ABAQUS

Dear All,

I'm trying to get strains in some specific points (along a path) from the xy-Cartesian coordinate system to a local x'y'-Cartesian coordinate system rotated through an angle (theta) which means transform the strains (Ex,Ey) to (Ex',Ey') as described in the attached figure, something I usually do manually with Mohr's circle and I wonder if I can do it directly with Abaqus ?

Thank you in advance !




Post Doctoral Research Position in Experimental Biomechanics at the University of Southampton, UK

The Bioengineering Science Research Group at the University of Southampton invites applications for an 18 month post-doctoral position investigating the mechanical performance of unicondylar knee arthroplasty (UKA). 

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