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periodic boundary conditions

Dear all,

i have implemented the periodic boundary conditions in x-directon for my simple model. In the screed i see the moement of the body in x direction. I think it is not correct. Should be additional boundary conditions be applied? Whichones?

Best regards


Two UMATS in one Subroutine

Dear All,

I have the problem. i created very simple example with two elements. To one element i prescribed the behaviour Mat1, to another element Mat2. I tried to use two different UMATS for this two elements.

I created Subroutine Myname.f, in which i use CMNAME if (CNMAME.EQ.'MAT1) THEN





Then i put two UMATS in the same SUBROUTINES ,

But as a result the program gives MISTAKE , it says that The UMAT doesn't exist

What is the mistake?

ADAPTIVE MESHING in ABAQUS Standard, specialists, please help

Hello everybody,

Specialist please answer. I make simulations of nanoindentation. I do it in ABAQUS Standard 6.7.1, till 20 nm it is OK. But as i increase the penetration depth, the simulation stops and the information that the element under the indenter is highly distorted. Do you know what is the reason. Does it mean that adaptive meshing doesn't work? Or some other problem.


Best regards



Force is droped during indentation simulation at the step of indenter withdrawal

Dear All,

I have the following problem. I simulate an indentation in two steps. At first step the indenter penetrate to the material. At the second step it withdraws from it. The problem, at the second step force simply drops, although the behaviour of material is elasto-plastic.. What could be the reason? Incorrect boundary conditions, very soft behaviour of material??? Specialists, please help.


Best regards


FEM simulation of Indentation with 60 degree abgle

Dear all,

I have the following problöem, I simulate indentation test, abt it is ok under penetration, when i release the indenter the program stop. What could be the reason? Wrong boundary conditions?


best regards


Indentation simulation, Contact problem, ABAQUS CAE specialists , please help

Dear All,

I have the following problem. I simulate an indentation in two steps. At first step the indenter penetrate to the material. At the second step it withdraws from it. The problem, at the second step force simply drops. What could be the reason? Incorrect boundary conditions, very soft behaviour of material??? Specialists, please help.


Best regards


REFERENCE POINT of analytical rigid surface, specialist in ABAQUS CAE Explicit contact, please help

Hello everybody,

I simulate the indentation test with ABAQUS CAE, the indenter is simulated as rigid body analytical surface. I also created reference point, but when i submit the job, there is a mistake:


The rigid part instance Part-2-1 is missing a reference point. Either assign a reference point to the corresponding part or include the entire part in a rigid body constraint.

I think i have done everything properly but it doesn't work. if you need i can send you my code.

I am looking forward to your answer.


Contact problem

Hello everybody,

I am simulating contact problem . Two sutfaces are in contact. One of them is anamytial surface. My slave surface doesn't deforms properly, master surface goes through my slave surface. Please help me with advice, which properties should i put for interaction?  What should be the reason of such mistake.


Best regards


Creating mesh in ABAQUS CAE

Hello All,

I have the queston, I have created two parts in ABAQUS CAE and i have this two parts meshed separately. Because double i have double points this parts are separated under loading. Who knows how to mesh the model consisting of two parts properly.

You kond help is highly appreciated

Best regards


ABAQUS CAE specialist please help

Hello every,

I am trying to create the model in ABAQUS CAE with cohesive elements. I try a simple 2D case.I did the following

1. i create two parts a) rectagular part

                              b) a line whick suppose to be cohesie elements later

2. I create two materials , elastic and cohesive

 Then i create to sections Solid section and cohesive section

When i make section assignment for solid part it is ok, i see the material, but when i make section assignment to the cohesive part, no section name apears in the window.

History output from the file created with CAE

Hello everybody,

I am looking for experts in ABAQUS CAE software. Its complex object-oriented structure make me confused. As it is known that history output requires  node sets, but this node sets are defined inside the instances. In order that the program understand which node sets is required one should mentioned then PART1-1.Instance. nodeset. But ABAQUS gives mistake. Experts,please explain me how it works.


Best regards


Why i obtain only one point in output

Hello Everybody,

I have created the input file and want to see the table of output , i put the time step, but instead the program gives me only one line,


ABAQUS CAE Tutorial on Cohesive elements

Dear ALl,

Who could recommend me tutorial for cohesive elements in CAE.

I have tried to find in Internet and didn't find it.

Best regards


ABAQUS CAE can not find the time step

Dear All,

Because i am absolutely new in ABAQUS CAE, i have some problem.

I have created my first model with ABAQUS CAE and the problem which i force,- i don't see the option where i should put the time , So my simulations have only one point. Have anybody has the same problem.

You kind help will be highly appreciated.



FEM simulations of indentation test

Hello Everybody,

Does anybody have experience with simulations of indentation in axysymmetrical case, it seems that adaptive meshing doesn't work in ABAQUS Standard.

Best regards



Hello everybody, i am new in abaqus, is anyone who knows how to apply periodic boundary conditions, for example for unit cell. The piece of code would be very much appreciated


for example ´

if i have on the left hand side node set NSET1, on the right hand site NSET2 than i should use equation like this for periodic boundary conditions in x-direction?


NSET1, 1,1, NSET2, 1, 1????

Please help 

Best regards


Periodic Boundary Conditions in ABAQUS

Hello everybody, i am new in abaqus, is anyone who knows how to apply periodic boundary conditions, for example for unit cell. The piece of code would be very much appreciated


for example ´

if i have on the left hand side node set NSET1, on the right hand site NSET2 than i should use equation like this for periodic boundary conditions in x-direction?


NSET1, 1,1, NSET2, 1, 1????

Please help 

Best regards


periodic boundary conditions

Hello everybody, i am new in abaqus, is anyone who knows how to apply periodic boundary conditions, for example for unit cell. The piece of code would be very much appreciated


for example ´

if i have on the left hand side node set NSET1, on the right hand site NSET2 than i should use equation like this for periodic boundary conditions in x-direction?


NSET1, 1,1, NSET2, 1, 1????

Please help 

Best regards




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