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Sandia Fracture Challenge Update

Sharlotte Kramer's picture

Supplemental information for the third Sandia Fracture Challenge (SFC) is now available!  We have compiled the supplemental information promised in the original information packet and some additional information based on questions we received from participants.  The supplemental information includes electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) data on the Challenge geometry, additional base material tests, raw DIC images and examples of DIC analyses of base material tests, and additional boundary condition information.  We hope that you have had time to digest the Challenge thus far and that this new information will augment your efforts.   There is a small update to the original information provided.  There was a error in the Transverse tensile test data: a minor conversion factor mistake based on the pixel to length ratio when converting the voltage of signal AD7, Gauge1 to displacement (we used 209.97 pix/mm instead of the correct 210.00 pix/mm).  That has been corrected in the new data file "TransverseTensileOverall-V2.xlsx”, which can be found both with the Supplemental information and in the original Materials Characterization Data and Images folder.  We have updated the original information packet with this and directions pointing to the supplemental information in "SFC3-Info-Packet-V9.pptx.”  Due to the unexpected late delivery of this supplemental information, we are extending the deadline for the predictions to July 15th, 2017.  Please email your predictions to Sharlotte Kramer at, and copy Brad Boyce at The results will be emailed to participants by August 15th, 2017. Also, please pass this invitation along to any other computational mechanicians who may be interested in participating.   The supplemental information is available in the “Supplemental Information” folder on the Google Drive (the DIC images may take a day to upload to the site):  If you are unable to connect to Google Drive and you would like to obtain the Challenge information, then we have another mechanism for transferring the data using a Sandia managed file transfer (MFT) system.  Unfortunately, this MFT system cannot handle a folder structure, which precludes sending the raw micro-CT data.  All other data, including all the new supplemental information, can be sent via this MFT system.  If you would like to receive the Challenge information through the Sandia MFT system, please contact Sharlotte Kramer at You will receive an email instructing you through the MFT system so that you can download the information.  The files are available for download for 30 days from receipt of the MFT system email.  If you would like the raw micro-CT data, then contact us so that we can arrange another mechanism for the file transfer of the 470-GB of that data.  If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Sharlotte Kramer at, and copy Brad Boyce at  We look forward to your predictions! 

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