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How to find a post in iMechanica? How to help others find your posts?

A reader finds a post by a combination of browse, subscription and search... They are all free.


  • Follow "Similar Links". Each time you click the title of a post, the body of the post will appear in the center of iMechanica. On the right side will be a few similar links generated by iMechanica using an algorithm.
  • Click a tag. Beneath the title of each post there are a few tags. Clicking a tag, you will land on a page that contains all posts using this tag, with most recent post on the top.
  • Follow a conversation. Click recent comments listed on the right side of iMechanica.
  • Follow the wisdom of crowds. Click popular content listed on the left side of iMechanica.
  • Find recent posts. Click "recent posts" in the header of iMechanica
  • Track an author. Click the name or the photo of any user, you will land on her account. Click the tab "track", you will find a page that contains all her posts, including comments on other people's posts.


  • Receive new posts and comments by email. You can receive posts and comments by email. They are faster than uploading webpages. They come into folders other than your regular emails, so you don't need to look at the posts if you have no time. You can also set it up to receive selected type of posts and comments.
  • Subscribe to RSS feeds. If you'd like to be informed whenever your favorite author posts an entry, subscribe to her RSS feed. You can also subscribe to the feed of the front page of iMechanica, or to a tag, or even to a combination of tags. RSS feeds are easy to set up, and are free.


  • Search box. The search box is located at the upper right corner of iMechanica. If you type cellular mechanics into the search box, the results will be the posts that have either the word cellular or the word mechanics. If you enclose the phrase between quotation makes, like "cellular mechanics", the results will be the posts that have the phrase.
  • Advanced search. Locate a user. Leave the search box blank, and just click the tab "Search". You will find a few more options for search. In particular, you can click the tab "users" and then locate a user.


An author attracts more readers by

  • writing useful posts and posting often
  • properly tagging her posts
  • using her full name as her user name
  • including a photo in her profile
  • emailing the URL of her post to people who might be interested in the post and inviting them to comment.
  • making thoughtful comments on other people's posts. If appropriate, in the comment make a hyperlink to her own post. (A thoughtful comment benefits everyone, especially the writer of the comment.)
  • replying comments of the readers on her own posts. Learn how to be alerted when a reader adds a comment to a particular post.

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