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Max phase

Dr. Hanaor - Department of Ceramic Materials - TU Berlin's picture

Compressive performance and crack propagation in Al alloy/Ti2AlC composites

The morphology of MAX phase composites is examined here. Specifically, crack branching is examined in Al - Ti2AlC composites showing the role of MAX phase distribution on the fracture performance of such materials. Ductile alloy phases serve to deflect cracks in the hard, yet tough, MAX phase.

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Dr. Hanaor - Department of Ceramic Materials - TU Berlin's picture

Compressive performance of MAX phase composites

Compressive performance and crack propagation in MAX phase composites 


Here micro CT was used to reveal the structure performance relationships in metal/ceramic composites based on Ti2AlC / Al alloy combinations.

The results show the promise of infiltrated max phase materials in the production of high performance composites.

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