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Computational Engineering

danialfaghihi's picture

PhD Positions in Computational Engineering at the University at Buffalo for Fall 2020

Multiple Ph.D. students are being sought to fill openings in the Predictive Computational Engineering (PCE) Lab in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. PCE Lab concerns with multidisciplinary research at the intersect of multiscale modeling of materials, physics-based machine learning, and scientific computing.

Transportation Network Controllability PhD studentship in the Department of Computational Engineering Sciences at the University of Luxembourg

There is a PhD position in Computational Engineering and Science offered at the MobiLab Transport Research Group of the University of Luxembourg! We look for a passionate researcher who wants to study network controllability in transportation systems for 3(+1) years. If you are interested go to

Controllability of Transportation Networks

Fabrice Pierron's picture

Academic-track fellowships available at the University of Southampton

Up to 10 New Frontiers Fellowships, which provide structured post-doctoral career development pathways to permanent academic positions, are to be appointed in the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton. Applications are invited from individuals who would strengthen any of our research themes, including Structures and Solid Mechanics, Computational Engineering, Materials and Surface Engineering, Acoustics, Geomechanics and Bioengineering.

An Urgent Appeal for Your Support of My Job Application at COEP's Mechanical Engineering Department

Dear iMechanicians,

I have applied for the job of "Associate Professor" in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at COEP, Pune, India [^]---the same place from where I did my PhD (Mech.) research.

I most earnestly make an appeal to you to provide me with an informal support for my job application by way of a brief email recommendation. My resume may be found here [^].

Java for High-Performance Computational Engg. / Sciences?

In the past few days at iMechanica, there have been quite a few messages dealing with different aspects of programming, libraries and so on...

It would perhaps be timely, therefore, to ask:

Do you have any opinion about using Java in numerical analysis (NA) / FEM / CFD etc.---i.e., in computational engineering and sciences (CES)?

Do you have any experience or hard data concerning performance of Java vis-a-vis C++ or FORTRAN, esp. for large systems, or for high-performance applications? Any pointers?

Markus J. Buehler's picture

Faculty position in computational engineering at MIT

The MIT School of Engineering seeks an outstanding individual for a tenure-track position in the area of Computational Engineering at the assistant or untenured associate professor level. In exceptional circumstances more senior candidates will be considered. The position shall be associated with the “home” engineering department most suitable for the selected candidate. Here is a PDF file of this advertisement. 

M Tech/ME and B Tech/BE Projects Available in Pune (Mech., CS, etc.)

I have quite a few ideas for MTech/ME/BTech/BE degree projects. The projects may be suitable in many different branches, including Mechanical, Computer Science, Metallurgical, Aerospace, Civil, etc. (In a few cases, MSc/M Phil students of departments like Physics or Computer Modeling and Simulation would be suitable too.)

All these projects are available for the new academic year (2008-09), at Pune, India.

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