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Failure of Bonded Glass

I work for an optics company and many of its products contain lenses that are bonded together with a very thin (~0.010mm) UV curing adhesive (Norland Adhesives NOA61 is the most common). Up until recently we have never had any issues with the strength of the bond. However we have recently had a particular design fail during a temperature cycle so I am tasked with looking at why, and how to keep it from happening in the future. The temperature range isn't too scary, -40 to +85C.

Help in ABAQUS

Dear all,
In my FE model (pin on disc), I would like to define a contact property between pin and disc with a friction defination available in ABAQUS. I have assumed that friction coefficient depends on parameters like slip rate, pressure and temperature only. When i used friction coefficients with slip rate and pressure, model works without any error but if i use friction coefficients with slip rate, pressure and temperature, the model doesn't work and come up with following errors;

Aerospace Customer Papers featuring SIMULIA Solutions

Our Aerospace sector boasts an extraordinary amount of dedicated customers that produce high-quality conference papers year after year on their use of SIMULIA solutions. The papers provide extensive and in-depth coverage of the industry’s most popular topics: aircraft design, structural analysis, landing gear, composite testing, bird-strike and more. Download these select papers from the 2011 SIMULIA Customer Conference to learn more on how industry-leading companies such as Airbus, EADS, and Rolls-Royce Deutschland use Abaqus and Isight. 

Full time opportunity at Schlumberger - Houston Pressure and Sampling Product Center

A full time opportunity is available in Schlumberger at the Houston Pressure and Sampling Product Center. Please see the attachment for details.

Modeling contact problem in ABAQUS

Dear all,
In my FE model (pin on disc), I would like to define a contact property between pin and disc with a friction defination available in ABAQUS. I have assumed that friction coefficient depends on parameters like slip rate, pressure and temperature only. When i used friction coefficients with slip rate and pressure, model works without any error but if i use friction coefficients with slip rate, pressure and temperature, the model doesn't work and come up with following errors;

Check out our latest issue of SIMULIA Realistic Simulation News!

From spacecrafts to army helmets, the latest issue of SIMULIA Realistic Simulation News delivers customer success stories and industry strategy focused on Aerospace and Defense. 

Our feature article is an exciting and in-depth report on Dutch Space’s application of Abaqus in literal rocket science: virtual testing of a new metallic thermal protection system for hypersonic space vehicles.

Also in this issue:

Designing Safer Vehicles with Realistic Simulation of Airbag Deployment

Airbags are one of the major protection systems used in a car crash. They play one of the most important roles in preventing severe injuries and fatalities during vehicle crashes. The advancement of new technology and airbag regulations necessitates that airbags be tested for safety in all kinds of scenarios, including situations where the occupant interacts with the airbag before it is fully deployed.

Water Landing of Space Flight Re-entry Vehicles Using Abaqus/Explicit

Space flight re-entry vehicles need to withstand heavy impact upon landing and it is critical for engineers to understand the effects on the vehicle and the crew to ensure the safety of the mission.  In order to gain this insight, engineers need to be able to model both the space craft structure and the landing medium such as water, sand, clay, etc.

Question about postprocessing in ABAQUS


 I am using Abaqus for a structural analysis problem. In the results I have stress distribution over the structure. I can use odb file to see the distribution of stresses as a function of space and time. 

I want to plot stress at a particular node as a function of time (and may be also stress distibution w.r.t. space coordinates at some instant of time). I have some general idea about the result file that can be generated from Abaqus and can be accessed. I am reading more about it but I am not sure if this is the right way.

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Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis of a Flow Control Device

The Vernay VernaFlo® flow controls are custom-designed fluid flow management devices used in a wide range of applications and systems where consistent, reliable op-eration is essential. Elastomeric rubber components in these devices deform under the influence of upstream variations in fluid pressure. These deformations adjust the orifice diameter and help maintain a constant down-stream flow rate. In this Technology Brief the perform-ance of a custom VernaFlo® device is evaluated using the fully coupled fluid-structure interaction solution provided by the Abaqus co-simulation capability.

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Fluid Structure Interaction Analysis with Abaqus and FLUENT

Engineering problems that involve the coupled response of a flowing fluid and a deforming structure constitute a broad class referred to as fluid-structure interaction (FSI). The interaction can be mechanical, thermal, or both. Many important problems involve some form of FSI, but the coupling effect is often ignored because of a lack of readily available solution technology. To address this limitation, Dassault Systèmes SIMULIA Corp. and Fluent, Inc. have partnered to provide a coupled solution capability.

Ductile damage modelling in ABAQUS

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Hi all

I am M.Sc. sutdent in Istanbul Technical University and my research subject is comparision of several ductile damage models both computationaly and experimentally.

I am trying to compare ductile damage models such as Freudenthal,Cockroft,Ayada ,Brozzo etc. computationally using ABAQUS and seeking a way to implement these damage models in ABAQUS.

To obtain each models damage result individually should damage model be implemented in ABAQUS or can a regular tensile test results be used for calculation of damage values.

What's that Car Noise? New SIMULIA Tech Brief Available: NVH Analysis with Rolling Tires

The sources of noise in a vehicle are many, including the engine, driveline, tire contact patch and road surface, brakes, and wind to name a few.  A Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) engineer is tasked with predicting these noises early in the design phase to make the necessary adjustments to ensure a harmonic ride, so to speak. The latest SIMULIA Tech Brief illustrates the effects that rolling tires have in contributing to NVH.

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SIMULIA Regional User Meetings featuring Abaqus and more

To learn more about the new features of Abaqus and Isight, and interact with your colleagues, be sure to attend one of the 20+SIMULIA Regional User Meetings (RUMs) coming up. There are 7 meeting locations in the US, 5 in Asia, and 9 in Europe.

Check out the worldwide schedule here:

Abaqus: How to lower the stiffness linear curve of load vs deflection of concrete slab

Dear all,

Iam modelling a simply supported RC slab with Abaqus using Concrete Damaged Plasticity subjected to a concentrated load at the top surface of the slab. I have used element type C3D8R for concrete and truss elements to represent steel bars.


I found the result of FEM showed that the linear part of load versus deflection, i.e. from zero load up to yield load shows a very stiff curve compare to the experimental test results.


My question is that how to lower down this curve so that it would match the experimental test result.

tedvaughan's picture

Fluid structure interaction with Abaqus



I'm looking for tutorials or example problems on carrying out Fluid Structure Interaction simulations using Abaqus.  

I have a large amount of experience with Abaqus Standard however Abaqus CFD is very new to me.  Would anyone have the training course notes on either "introduction to "ABAQUS/CFD" or "FSI Simulation with Abaqus"? If so, I'd really appreciate a copy.




Methodology of simulation post-processing for metal parts in Abaqus

I mesh most of my parts in C3D8R. My simulation are quasi-static, and involve a lot of contacts. To model steel, I use a classic elastic-plastic behavior, coming from stress-strain curves we measured. I have the yield strength of the material and the strain at break. My questions concern post-processing.

energy balance of surface-based cohesive of composite under impact in Absqus 6-10

Hi there! I am really new to Abaqus and I need to model a composite
laminated crash cone under impact to a flat solid wall (analytical
surface is used). I modelled a cone with a layers of conventional shell
elements with hashin failure criteria and surface-based cohesive
behaviour as interaction between layers representing the interface of
composite laminates. The model runs successfully but once I checked the
energy balance, the damage dissipation energy from the cohesive, it
turned out to be NEGATIVE (I think this is wrong).

ABAQUS load/surface coupling. User element loads – VUEL and VDLOAD


I am attempting to couple a moving multi-body load to a surface using ABAQUS/explicit, i.e. the loading varies depending on the surface displacement at the previous time step.

I realise that VDLOAD cannot access values such as element displacement directly but can access variables using tools such as utility subroutines e.g. UEXTERNALDB.  The only problem is that such utility routines only seem to work for ABAQUS implicit.

Similarly vgetvrm can be used to output stress values but not displacement.

An Introduction to ATOM: Nonlinear Structural Optimization for Improved, Rapid Product Design (FREE WEBINAR)

Register for this FREE webinar to learn how the Abaqus Topology Optimization Module (ATOM), from Dassault Systemes SIMULIA, delivers advanced capabilities for nonlinear structural optimization and provides important benefits to engineers and product designers by identifying the optimized topology and shape of a structure.

For more information, visit:, or -> events -> webinars.

Linking ABAQUS With Subroutine Written In FORTRAN 90

         I am using ABAQUS 6.10.1, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008, and Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Professional 11.1.060 on Windows 7 Premium. So far ABAQUS of my system is able to process user subroutine written in FORTRAN 77 (.for file) without any problem. However, may I know is it possible to make ABAQUS process user subroutine written in FORTRAN 90? Waht setting should I change and what format ( .for or .f90 ) should the FORTRAN 90 user subroutine be saved in order for the linking to work?

Crack modelling in Abaqus with prescribed displacement problem


 I am modelling stationary Mode-I & Mode-II crack in a simple 2D plate on abaqus. My problem is a prescribed displacement problem i.e. I have to apply displacement boundary condition on the edges of a plate instead of tractions. I am a begginer on abaqus and need help in this regard. Moreover, I'll appreciate if anyone could give me some instructions or tutorials on analysing stationary cracks with both FEM and X-FEM.





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