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Meredith N. Silberstein's picture

Tenure Track Faculty Openings in Cornell Mechanical Engineering - focus in Bioengineering, Fluids, and Energy Sciences


The Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Cornell University has multiple tenure and tenure track faculty openings. We seek outstanding individuals engaged in all aspects of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, with a particular interest in Bioengineering and Fluid and Energy Sciences.

Applicants must apply by December 1, 2022 for full consideration. For more information, please see the link on our department website:

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Infrastructure Innovation in a Changing Environment Conference - Fri, Nov. 20, 2015

Hosted by the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in collaboration with the MIT Industrial Liaisons Program (ILP), Infrastructure Innovation in a Changing Environment will explore new economic opportunities and market-driven responses to the challenges facing large-scale infrastructure projects.

Markus J. Buehler's picture

MIT Faculty Positions in Civil & Environmental Engineering

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering invites applications for several tenure-track faculty positions to begin July 2015 or thereafter.  Appointments will be at the assistant or untenured associate professor level. In special cases, a senior faculty appointment may be possible.  We will consider exceptional candidates in a range of areas, broadly defined.  Further information about the department can be found at this page

Structures: New Research Journal welcoming submissions

The Institution of Structural Engineers, the world's leading professional body for qualifications and standards in structural engineering, and Elsevier are pleased to announce that Structures, a new peer-reviewed journal covering the full breadth of structural engineering research, is now open for submissions.

EMI 2013 Conference - Abstract Submission Deadline Extended to February 17, 2013

The deadline for submission of abstracts for the EMI 2013 conference has been extended to February 17, 2013.  For details on the conference to be held on August 4-7, 2013 at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois,  visit .



Sustainable Cities and Society Special Issue on GCREEDER 2011 now available!

The 3rd Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Desert Regions (GCREEDER 2011), supported by the Energy Center of the University of Jordan, Jordan Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (Scientific Research Fund) and the Jordan Engineers Association (JEA),  was held in Amman, Jordan, April 26-28, 2011. 

Tribology for Sustainability: Economic, Environmental, and Quality of Life - Special Issue freely available online!

Tribology International Special Issue of the 37th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology: Tribology for Sustainability: Economic, Environmental, and Quality of Life.

For more information or to access this Special Issue, go to:

SSCS 2012

Hi all,


Our research team took part in the conference "Sustainable Solutions for Concrete Structures", which took place in Aix-en-Provence, in France. The conference was dedicated mainly to recent advances in modelling of concrete and concrete structures. As always, more details can be found on:



Faculty Position in Sustainable Material Synthesis and Characterization at the University of Pittsburgh

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for a faculty position effective September 1, 2009. The search is open to all ranks depending on qualifications and experience. 

Terra Preta Soil Technology

Please look at this low cost alternative CO2 Sequestration system.The integrated energy strategy offered by Terra Preta Soil technology may
provide the only path to sustain our agricultural and fossil fueled power
structure without climate degradation, other than nuclear power.

I feel we should push for this Terra Preta Soils CO2 sequestration strategy as not only a global warming remedy for the first world, but to solve fertilization and transport issues for the third world. This information needs to be shared with all the state programs.
The economics look good, and truly great if we had CO2 cap & trade in place: 
These are processes where you can have your Bio-fuel and fertility too.Terra Preta' soils I feel has great possibilities to revolutionize sustainable agriculture into a major CO2 sequestration strategy.

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