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hierarchical material

Tim Rupert's picture

Hierarchical Materials Symposium at USNCTAM 2014 - Abstract deadline is now January 6, 2014

Dear Colleagues,


The submission deadline for abstracts to the 17th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics has been extended to Jan 6th, 2014.  Please consider submitting an abstract to at the website below.  We will be holding a symposium on "Elasticity, PLasticity, and Multiphysics of Hierarchical Materials: Mechanisms to Mechanics" that many of you should find quite interesting!


Tim Rupert's picture

Reminder: Hierarchical Materials Symposium at USNCTAM 2014 (Abstract Deadline: December 1, 2013)

Dear Mechanics Colleagues,


A pleasant reminder that we invite you to submit an abstract to a symposium on "Elasticity, PLasticity, and Multiphysics of Hierarchical Materials: Mechanisms to Mechanics" at the 17th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (USNCTAM), to be held June 15-20, 2014 at Michigan State University.  A detailed description can be found below, and abstracts (Due Dec. 1, 2013) can be submitted at:


Tim Rupert's picture

Hierarchical Materials Symposium at USNCTAM 2014 (Abstract Deadline: December 1, 2013)

Dear Colleagues,


We would
like to bring your attention to the symposium "Elasticity,
Plasticity, and Multiphysics of Hierarchical Materials: Mechanisms to
Mechanics" at the 17th U.S. National Congress on Theoretical &
Applied Mechanics, to be held June 15-20, 2014 at Michigan State
University.  A detailed description of the symposium can be
found below, and abstracts (due Dec 1, 2013) can be submitted at:


On optimal hierarchy of load-bearing biological materials

Load-bearing biological materials such as shell, mineralized tendon and bone exhibit 2-7 levels of structural hierarchy based on constituent materials (biominerals and proteins) of relatively poor mechanical properties. A key question that remains unanswered is what determines the number of hierarchical levels in these materials. Here we develop a quasi-self-similar hierarchical model to show that,

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