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ductile damage

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Call for Abstracts: Numisheet 2020 mini symposium on “Challenges and Opportunities in Forming Aluminum”

The NUMISHEET conference series is the most significant international conference on the area of the numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes. Within Numisheet 2020, we are organizing a mini symposium on “Challenges and Opportunities in Forming Aluminum”.

Emilio Martínez Pañeda's picture

Damage modeling in Small Punch Test specimens

I hope some of you may find this work interesting:

Damage modeling in Small Punch Test specimens

E. Martínez-Pañeda, I.I. Cuesta, I. Peñuelas, A. Díaz, J.M. Alegre

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 86A, pp. 51-60

A pre-print is available at

dithoap's picture

Characteristic length in ductile damage model in ABAQUS

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Hi All,


I want to model a dogbone specimen made from polycarbonate.

I model it using linear elastic plasticity coupled with ductile damage model.

For the damage, we are going to use the tabular form to described the damage evolution d with respect to equivalent plastic strain epsilon_p.

In abaqus, it is written that we need to input the d with respect of equivalent plastic displacement (u_p) instead of epsilon_p via equation u_p = epsilon_p \times L; where L is the characteristic length.


Tensile test simulation inp. file required

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I am trying to model tensile test simulation of a AL7075 and i have real strain-stress curve of material.  To complete ductile damage simulation modelling  in ABAQUS ductile damage material specifications are required. If anyone can share  an tensile test simulation inp. file ı would be pleased.

Ductile damage modelling in ABAQUS

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Hi all

I am M.Sc. sutdent in Istanbul Technical University and my research subject is comparision of several ductile damage models both computationaly and experimentally.

I am trying to compare ductile damage models such as Freudenthal,Cockroft,Ayada ,Brozzo etc. computationally using ABAQUS and seeking a way to implement these damage models in ABAQUS.

To obtain each models damage result individually should damage model be implemented in ABAQUS or can a regular tensile test results be used for calculation of damage values.

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