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Equipment for Bend Testing per ASTM Standards and User-Specific Applications

While it is easy to imagine why bend testing needs to be performed on rigid materials like plastics (ASTM D790) and concrete (ASTM C1609), in reality bend test applications are common in a variety of industries. Universal testing machines equipped with bend fixtures are used to calculate flexural modulus, flexural strength, yield point, and more.

Comparing experimental fracture properties and micromechanical (or global-local/multiscale) finite element simulations

I am interested in developing a global-local finite element model (micro/macro) to simulate flexural testing of a composite material. Flexural loading will be applied on global model (macro) and crack propagation will be simulated in the local model (micro). I want to compare stress intensity factor or any other fracture property obtained from local model (micro) with that of experimental results.

I would appreciate if anyone could suggest some references/literature in this area. Any kind of suggestions would be great!


Softening material response in Abaqus

I am trying to model flexure of a material with softening stress-strain response. How can I model that! I know Abaqus can not handle negative tangent modulus. And, how do I simulate damage in the beam!


Any help/suggestion is highly appreciated!

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