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Soil Mechanics and Fossil Dinosaur Trackways

My PhD student Peter Falkingham (who graduated 15 December 2010) has published some interesting papers on Dinosaur Trackways. These might be of interest to those teaching Soil Mechanics, to give some examples that might be more stimulating than foundation design or traditional geotechnical engineering.

References below:

Falkingham P.L., Bates K.T., Margetts L. and Manning P.L. (2011) "The 'Goldilocks' effect: Presevational bias in vertebrate track assemblages", Journal of the Royal Society Interface, accepted for publication. Impact factor 4.241.

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Crack penetration in cohesive zone models

Hi all,

I am conducting some cohesive crack simulations within the framework of XFEM. The cohesive model is an initially rigid traction-separation law for mode I.  In order to deal with negative values of the normal sepration/jump, I use a penalty stiffness K.

Reg. Penetrations in a Contact Analysis Code

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I have developed a FORTRAN code to simulate the molding process of glass to make lenses. Hence, it involves a contact analysis between the glass and molds. The contact is modeled using the master and slave node concept and the mold is assumed to be rigid. For the application of this code, we are looking at highly precise dimensions to capture the curve of the mold on the glass after molding.

Max penetration error in ABAQUS

I am doing contact simulation of soft material. I want to change the default criterion for max penetration error, but can't seem to find how to do it. I tried contact controls relative and absolute penetration tolerances, hcrit but that did not affect the error criterion. Can someone help me please?

Split singularities and the competition between crack penetration and debond at a bimaterial interface

Zhen Zhang and Zhigang Suo

For a crack impinging upon a bimaterial interface at an angle, the singular stress field is a linear superposition of two modes, usually of unequal exponents, either a pair of complex conjugates, or two unequal real numbers. In the latter case, a stronger and a weaker singularity coexist (known as split singularities). We define a dimensionless parameter, called the local mode mixity, to characterize the proportion of the two modes at the length scale where the processes of fracture occur. We show that the weaker singularity can readily affect whether the crack will penetrate, or debond, the interface.

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