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(extended) finite element methods

Noel ODowd's picture

Fellowships (3 year) available in computational mechanics of composite materials

Expressions of interest are invited for applicants interested in applying for a 3 year post-doctoral fellowship in the area of computational mechanics of composite materials.

Time integration scheme for Dynamic Crack Propagation in XFEM?



I am trying to implement the time integration scheme proposed by Combescure et. al [1] to simulate a dynamic crack propagation problem in XFEM (2D edge crack under impact loading). But I have an interesting question to ask.


Why two different heaviside enrichment functions used in XFEM?

I have been looking at XFEM literature for a while and wondering why do we need 2 different heaviside enrichment functions in XFEM? In paper titled "A finite element method for crack growth without remeshing" by Nicolas Moes et al.(1999), they use the following function for heaviside enrichment:

 H(x,y)={1, for y>0

             -1,for y<0}

 While, in paper titled "A review of extended/generalized finite element methods for material modeling" by Ted Belytschko et al.(2009), they use the following function for heaviside enrichment:

Matlab source code for XFEM implementation (2D dynamic crack propagation problem)

Hello everyone,


I was looking for a Matlab source code for implementing XFEM to solve a dynamic problem (specifically dynamic crack propagation problem). I found several source codes which only solve static problems (they don't calculate mass matrix and they don't do the time integration). 


My research goal is to remove the oscillations from stress intensity factors  for a dynmic crack propagation problem. I will really appreciate any kind of help/suggestions.


With respectfully

Bhuiyan, A B M Abdul Ali

Angelo Simone's picture

Minisymposium on Generalized/Extended Finite Element Methods

As part of the USACM's 13th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM13) to be held in San Diego, California, July 26-30, 2015, we are organizing a minisymposium on

advances and applications in Generalized/Extended Finite Element Methods.

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