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interface crack

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Interface Crack Propagation in Abaqus, using Cohesive Interaction



I am trying to model interface crack propagation in Abaqus using Cohesive Interaction (default module in Abaqus). My model consists of two rectangular domains attached to each other by the longer edge. I am defining two surfaces on each of these domains and defining traction separation laws for these surfaces. There is a small portion in the middle for which I am not defining any traction separation law (thereby making it my notch). I am then applying displacement controlled loading on the remaining two longer edges. I am having two set of problems:


Paper: On finding cohesive law parameters for foam-metal interfaces

A detailed report of our work on trying to find cohesive laws for interfacial fracture is attached.  I will add the experimental data after a shorter version of this report has been published.

The reason for posting this report on iMechanica is so that people who want to replicate the tests or perform similar tests know what is involved.  As we have found out, many details and potential problems faced by an experimentalist are hard to determine from the concise papers that are typically published as journal articles.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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