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marco.paggi's blog

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PhD students in Structural Engineering - Computational methdos for the durability of photovoltaics

ERC Starting Research Grant (IDEAS) on Multi-field and multi-scale computational approach to design and durability of photovoltaic modules

Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Ing. Marco Paggi


CALL FOR PhD STUDENTS (Jan 2013 – Dec 2015; application: deadline in summer 2012)

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Fracture and contact mechanics for interface problems: a special issue of EFM

A Special Issue of Engineering Fracture Mechanics


"Fracture and contact mechanics for interface problems", edited by Marco Paggi, Alberto Carpinteri and Peter Wriggers has just been published:

The selected articles were presented in a Minisymposium of the IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, 2010.


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Dear Colleagues,

we would like to inform you that the Italian Group of Fracture (IGF), engaged in fostering the research in the fields of Fracture Mechanics and Structural Integrity at the national and international levels (IGF is the Italian chapter of the European Structural Integrity Society) has recently setup the following dissemination strategies and activities for 2012:

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IGF SUMMER SCHOOL and 9th YSESM, July 5—10 2010, Trieste – Italy

Dear Colleague,

on behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee it is my great pleasure to invite you to participate in the

IGF SUMMER SCHOOL and 9th YSESM, July 5—10 2010, Trieste – Italy.
The event  is articulated in two parts:
-Summer course on light weight structures -Prof. Karl - Heinz SCHWALBE, July 5—7

-9th Youth Symposium on Experimental Solid Mechanics, July 7—10

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Anybody knows a molecular dynamics software for Windows operative systems?


Dear All,

I am looking for a freeware molecular dynamics software working for Windows operative systems.

I have tried LAMMPS, but it seems to me that it works only under UNIX. 

Thank you very much in advance for any information.

Best wishes, Marco Paggi 


Dr. Ing. Marco Paggi, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Structural Mechanics
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow 2010-2011
Member of the Executive Board of the Italian Group of Fracture 2009-2011

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ECCM 2010 Minisymposium on Fracture and Contact Mechanics for Interface Problems - Paris, France, May 16-21 2010

Dear Colleague,
the IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics-ECCM 2010, Solids, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering, organized by ECCOMAS, will take place in Paris, France, May 16-21 2010 (see the Congress website  for more information).
During this conference, we are organizing a Minisymposium entitled:


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